8 posts tagged with TIMETRAVEL and adaptation.
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11.22.63: The Day in Question Season 1, Ep 8
The past pulls out every weapon it has to keep Jake from reaching Dealey Plaza in time to save Kennedy. [more inside]
11.22.63: Soldier Boy Season 1, Ep 7
The end is near, and Jake is not up to the task. Sadie scrambles to pick up the pieces, but no one knows the mission as well as Jake. Kennedy and the assassin are on a collision path - but has Jake changed things enough in the past to alter the course of events? The days are counting down as 11.22.63 draws near.
11.22.63: Happy Birthday, Lee Harvey Oswald Season 1, Ep 6
It's October 1962, and the gathering storm of threats in Dallas continues to build. Jake must take drastic action to establish the full dimensions of the threat to Kennedy. And amidst it all, he's hit with an unexpected death and a bitter betrayal from one of those closest to him.
11.22.63: The Truth Season 1, Ep 5
Everything begins to fall apart as Jake struggles to live two lives: teacher and time traveler. When Sadie's life is threatened, Jake has to make a terrible choice, leaving Bill to his own devices. Lee Harvey Oswald takes steps that will lead him into a date with destiny.
11.22.63: The Eyes of Texas Season 1, Ep 4
Jake and Bill's partnership starts to struggle as they discover more secrets surrounding the unpredictable Lee Harvey Oswald. The conspiracy involving Oswald deepens, while romance blooms for Jake and Sadie. But by becoming involved with an innocent bystander, has Jake placed his new love in danger?
11.22.63: Other Voices, Other Rooms Season 1, Ep 3
Jake finds an unlikely ally in his quest. [more inside]
11.22.63: The Kill Floor Season 1, Ep 2
Thrown by the enormity of his goal, Jake decides the one thing he can do to make a real difference is save the family of his friend Harry Dunning. Harry's family was murdered in a small Kentucky town by Harry's father, Frank. But does Jake have what it takes to kill a man and what are the consequences of violence?
11.22.63: The Rabbit Hole Season 1, Ep 1
High school teacher Jake Epping discovers why the burgers served by his friend Al at his charming diner are so darned cheap and tasty.