13 posts tagged with babylon5 and franklin.
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Babylon 5: The Exercise of Vital Powers Rewatch Season 4, Ep 16
Garibaldi journeys to Mars to meet his secretive employer at last. Meanwhile, Dr. Franklin and Lyta continue trying to free the Shadow-implanted telepaths. [more inside]
Babylon 5: Lines of Communication Season 4, Ep 11
Marcus and Franklin address a bombing on Mars. Ivanova is given a new task. Delenn investigates strange attacks... "John! It pleases me that you care for what I have become... But never forget who I was, what I am, and what I can do." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Racing Mars Season 4, Ep 10
Franklin and Marcus arrive on Mars. Garibaldi and Sheridan have a confrontation. "There isn't much chance of me winning this argument, is there?" "None whatsoever; I never give up when I'm right. Your only option is to surrender." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Shadow Dancing Season 3, Ep 21
Sheridan takes the battle to the Shadows. Franklin's walkabout reaches its conclusion... "And what are you?" "Alive. Everything else is negotiable." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Grey 17 is Missing Season 3, Ep 19
We return to Spoopy Sector for Spoopy Times. Ivanova and Zach Allen seek rogue telepaths for hire. Delenn is to become Ranger One, but someone wants to prevent it... "I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a simple proposition and turn it inside out so that it says what you want it to say rather than what it actually says. Does this come naturally or did you attend some sort of…martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" [more inside]
Babylon 5: Walkabout Season 3, Ep 18
Kosh arrives at Babylon 5. Lyta returns. Sheridan tests a plan for taking on the Shadows. Franklin, now a civilian, meets a lounge singer on his "walkabout." "The theory is: if you are separated from yourself, you start walking... and you keep walking until you meet yourself. Then you sit down and have a long talk. You talk about everything that you've learned, everything that you... felt. And you talk until you run out of words. Now, that's vital, because the real important things can't be said. And then, if you are lucky, you look up and there's just you, and you can go home." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Exogenesis Season 3, Ep 7
Ivanova seeks to discover if Lieutenant Corwin is suitable to join the Conspiracy of Light. Franklin and Marcus discover something strange happening with the Lurkers... "Word is, something screwy's happening back home." "This is not exactly a revelation." [more inside]
Babylon 5: A Day in the Strife Season 3, Ep 3
An alien probe arrives at B5, with an ultimatum: answer its questions to receive a reward; fail, and die. Delenn makes an offer. Garibaldi confronts Franklin. Sheridan bumps into an acquaintance. "I don't know what my superiors would say if I started showing up everywhere with a Narn bodyguard." "They will say, 'Here is a man who will live to be a hundred and fifty!'" [more inside]
Babylon 5: Confessions and Lamentations Season 2, Ep 18
A metaphor for AIDS as seen in the 1980s plague has hit the Markab on the station. "What happens? What happens is that we honor the memory of those who are no longer with us by using what we have learned to save others. To exercise faith, and patience, and charity. To reach out to those who are afraid. If we can do that, then their passing will have had meaning and we will grow from it." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Gropos Season 2, Ep 10
Fraklin's father, General Franklin, arrives on Babylon 5 with 25 000 "ground pounders" (marines) as they await a secret deployment to an alien world. "We are all slaves to our histories." [more inside]
Babylon 5: A Distant Star Season 2, Ep 4
Sheridan attempts to save an old friend, who is stranded in hyperspace. Delenn faces dissent. Franklin attempts to improve the health of station personnel. "We are starstuff. We are the universe made manifest, trying to figure itself out. And as we have both learned, sometimes the universe requires a change of perspective." [more inside]
Babylon 5: The Quality of Mercy Season 1, Ep 21
[minor arc] Dr. Franklin discovers an illegal medical establishment in Downbelow, which is stepping on the toes of his mildly-less-illegal medical establishment in Downbelow. Meanwhile, Lennier and Londo go out for drinks and a murderer is sentenced to the "death of personality." "I'm perfectly happy to inconvenience myself for your benefit. [...] Here my friend, here you will see the heart and soul of Babylon 5. Also its spleen, its kidneys--a veritable parade of internal organs." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Believers Season 1, Ep 10
[standalone] Dr. Franklin locks horns with an alien couple who intend to deny life-saving care for their son based on their religious beliefs--namely, that surgery releases the soul, condemning one to a fate worse than death. "No one knows what is written in the stream until the waters surround him." [more inside]