4 posts tagged with coldWar and drama.
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Movie: Crimson Tide

[TRAILER] After the Cold War, a breakaway Russian republic with nuclear warheads becomes a possible worldwide threat. U.S. submarine Capt. Frank Ramsey (Gene Hackman) signs on a relatively green but highly recommended Lt. Cmdr. Ron Hunter (Denzel Washington) to the USS Alabama, which may be the only ship able to stop a possible Armageddon. When Ramsay insists that the Alabama must act aggressively, Hunter, fearing they will start rather than stop a disaster, leads a potential mutiny to stop him. [more inside]
posted by DirtyOldTown on Aug 8, 2023 - 11 comments

1983: Season 1  Season 1, Ep 0

A dark Polish thriller that imagines an alternative history where a terrorist bombing in 1983 dramatically altered the course of world events. Twenty years later, the USSR and Iron Curtain still exist, Al Gore is US president, and Poland is ruled by an authoritarian government. Naïve law student Kajetan and world-weary detective Anatol uncover a conspiracy that has been kept hidden for decades. [more inside]
posted by EndsOfInvention on Dec 11, 2018 - 5 comments

Movie: Fail-Safe

American planes are sent to deliver a nuclear attack on Moscow, but it's a mistake due to an electrical malfunction. Can all-out war be averted? [more inside]
posted by MoonOrb on Jun 10, 2018 - 9 comments

Movie: Moscow on the Hudson

When a Russian musician defects in Bloomingdale's department store in New York, he finds adjusting to American life more difficult than he imagined. [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Oct 4, 2014 - 3 comments

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