5 posts tagged with cooking and reality.
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Top Chef: Holy Macau! Season 16, Ep 13
The five remaining contestants head to Macau for the beginning of the end of 'Top Chef' season 16.
Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen Season 13, Ep 0
The Last Chance Kitchen is a web series featuring challenges in which the ousted chefs compete for a chance to re-enter the main competition. Each week, two or more chefs compete against each other in the Top Chef kitchen, with the results judged solely by Tom Colicchio. The winner(s) of each week moves on to face the next eliminated Top Chef contestant(s), while the loser is eliminated from the competition for good. The champion of the Last Chance Kitchen returns to compete in the season finale.
Top Chef: Pop Up Pandemonium Season 13, Ep 2
To better introduce the Chefs to the city of Los Angeles, Padma challenges them to create and open four distinct pop-up restaurants reflecting the culture of the respective neighborhoods they land in. Tom, Padma, Gail and guest judge and Pop-Up King Ludo Lefebvre eat their way through Mexican, Persian, Korean, and even Vegan cuisine to pick the best dish that celebrates LA's mosaic of cultures.
Top Chef: Stop the Presses Season 13, Ep 1
A collection of the country's best Chefs converge in Los Angeles where they will hit the road and compete in six cities across the Golden State. To get their feet wet, the Chefs face off in a fan favorite Quickfire challenge. Then, the Chefs must make dishes that stand out for a group of top food critics and reporters in order to survive the first elimination.
MasterChef: Top 4 compete Season 5, Ep 17
It's down to four, and the penultimate episode begins with a "battle of the sexes" competition. [more inside]