11 posts tagged with janeway and tv.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Renaissance Man Rewatch Season 7, Ep 24
When Janeway is kidnapped, Voyager's holographic Doctor must truly be all that he can be. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Good Shepherd Rewatch Season 6, Ep 20
Three low-ranking crew members' underwhelming job performance attracts the attention of Captain Janeway. Blessed is she for shepherding the weak through the valley of darkness!… [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: The Omega Directive Rewatch Season 4, Ep 21
What kind of threat can induce a Starfleet crew to ignore the Prime Directive? …Besides wanting to get back to the Alpha Quadrant, or encountering a society run by a computer, or becoming a Bajoran god, or a crew member's xenophilia, or civil war in the Klingon Empire, or the lure of a high-speed dune buggy ride on Kolarus III… BESIDES all those. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Macrocosm Rewatch Season 3, Ep 12
You see, Starfleet is less a military organization than a scientific one—committed to seeking out and understanding new forms of life, however different they maAAUGH GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Death Wish Rewatch Season 2, Ep 18
"Who, except the gods, can live time through forever without any pain?" - Aeschylus, The Oresteia [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Alliances Rewatch Season 2, Ep 14
Crewman Bendera goes to that big exploding console in the sky, a mutiny enters the planning stage, Neelix hits the bar, Tuvok enjoys some horticulture, and Janeway learns why you can't spell "Trabe" without "be" and "tray." [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Persistence of Vision Rewatch Season 2, Ep 8
Or: "A Little Doctor Goes a Long Way" [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Prime Factors Rewatch Season 1, Ep 10
Please, come to our planet of pleasure. We ask nothing at all in return. To give you pleasure gives us pleasure. I assure you, ours is a world where nothing can possi-blie go wrong. …PossiBLY go wrong. …That's the first thing that's…ever gone wrong. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: The Cloud Rewatch Season 1, Ep 6
The crew of Voyager—afflicted with isolation, professional tensions, and resource depletion—pins its hopes on a perfectly innocent-looking nebula and a reasonably competent-seeming Morale Officer. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Time and Again Rewatch Season 1, Ep 4
While investigating a destroyed civilization, Janeway and Paris get trapped in its recent past. Like, uncomfortably recent. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Caretaker Rewatch Season 1, Ep 1
(Series Premiere) The newly-commissioned U.S.S. Voyager ventures from Federation outpost Deep Space 9 into the Badlands to hunt down a Maquis raider…only to encounter something that, even for the Badlands, is really bad. [more inside]