9 posts tagged with michaelcerveris and joshuajackson.
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Fringe: An Enemy of Fate Rewatch Season 5, Ep 13
As the Observers close in, Walter and September desperately work to complete the plan, but one obstacle after another hinders their progress. [more inside]
Fringe: Liberty Rewatch Season 5, Ep 12
As the Observers evaluate Michael and begin to learn of his abilities and potential, Olivia embarks on a dangerous quest to rescue him.
Fringe: The Boy Must Live Rewatch Season 5, Ep 11
Walter’s plan to defeat the Observers is finally revealed, while a former ally reunites with the team after 21 years.
Fringe: Brave New World pt 2 Rewatch Season 4, Ep 22
The Team races to stop William Bell. [more inside]
Fringe: Brave New World Rewatch Season 4, Ep 21
People in an office complex begin to spontaneously combust. Walter identifies nanites as the culprit, and a familiar face as the source. The last few moves of the game are becoming clear as patterns collapse and pieces must be sacrificed.
Fringe: A Short Story About Love Rewatch Season 4, Ep 15
Love! Love Will Keep Us Together (Unless It Kills Us First) - Olivia hunts a perfumed pervert while Peter finds a beacon that guides him to romantic enlightenment
Fringe: The End Of All Things Rewatch Season 4, Ep 14
Olivia wakes up with Nina Sharp(?!) , the prisoners of David Robert Jones. Walter, Astrid, Nina Sharp(?!) and Lincoln race to find them, while Peter tries to enlist the help of a man in a gray flannel suit.
Fringe: Back to Where You've Never Been Rewatch Season 4, Ep 8
Peter, frustrated at being stuck with people who don't remember him, decides to ask Walternate for help rebuilding The Machine to get him back. But with a new batch of shapeshifters running around, he'll need friends to get across. [more inside]
Fringe: Peter Season 2, Ep 15
Walter is telling Olivia a story: It's 1985, and Dr. Walter Bishop, addressing a group of Army generals, shows them the docking station of the Empire State Building. He introduces us to the other side, and has even given his doppelganger a name: Walternate. They are researching a cure for Peter, who is dying from a congenital disorder. [more inside]