2 posts tagged with s2e19.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Manhunt  Rewatch   Season 2, Ep 19

Picard calls upon Dixon Hill to help protect him from a relentless black-eyed widow in "The Case of the Phasing Betazoid!" [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Sep 4, 2020 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Lifesigns  Rewatch   Season 2, Ep 19

Ah, there's nothing like spending a pleasant evening parking with your sweetie under the Martian sky--WAIT THERE'S NO BREATHABLE ATMOSPHERE ON MARS WE CAN'T--never mind, it's just the holodeck and we're both holograms, it's OK! Whew. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on May 1, 2017 - 16 comments

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