2 posts tagged with syfy by Etrigan.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
Reginald the Vampire: Season One Show Only Season 1, Ep 0
Reginald Andres (Jacob Batalon of the Spider-Man movies) is a dude who works at the Slushy Shack, pines for his coworker, dislikes his boss... and that's pretty much his life. Until Maurice (Mandela Van Peebles of those Van Peebleses) makes him a vampire. Now Reginald has to deal with a shadow world of gorgeous immortals who hate him just for being insufficiently svelte and high-cheekboned. [more inside]
The Lost Room: The Complete Season Season 1, Ep 0
Police detective Joe Miller stumbles into the world of the Objects, powerful artifacts of an inexplicable Event. [more inside]