6 posts tagged with wizards by Navelgazer.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.
Book: The Last Continent
The Librarian of Unseen University is sick, and in order to cure him, the Wizards need to know his real name which, uh... none of them do. And he's not telling, because the information could be used to change him back from his preferred form as an orangutan. But an idea! Rincewind might know it! But he accidentally got teleported to the continent of XXXX, and nobody knows where that is. So the Wizards go looking for XXXX, while Rincewind just tries to survive on terra incognita where everything is trying to kill him, well, about the same amount as is usual for Rincewind, really. (Wizards #6, Discworld #22.) By Terry Pratchett. [more inside]
Book: Hogfather
It's beginning to look a lot like Hogswatch! The Disc's midwinter celebration, held on the last day of the year, is a day of many traditions since time immemorial. You hang the mistletoe, you give the staff the day off, you exchange presents, and of course you await a visit from the Hogfather. But when Susan Sto Helit is visited on Hogswatch eve, the Jolly Fat Man is her grandfather in a fake beard and costume. And her grandfather is, of course, Death. Which means Susan has to fix reality again, while dodging the Assassins' Guild's most maladapted member... (Death #4, Discworld #20) By Terry Pratchett [more inside]
Book: Lords and Ladies
Ahh, Midsummer in in the Ramtops, where the Lancre Coven returns from Genua to learn that Magrat is due to marry the King in two weeks' time, and that in their absence a gaggle of young new witches has been consorting with beings that they may not fully understand. Magrat meets the Royal Beekeeper, learns some local history, and chooses a new hat. Nanny Ogg has a hot date, does a little spelunking, and gives out some candy. Nanny's sons shoe a horse for a stranger, put on a play, and defend the castle against an invasion. And Granny Weatherwax stares at the sun, comes to grips with what might have been, and learns to borrow the Swarm... (Discworld #14, Witches #3). By Terry Pratchett. [more inside]
Book: Reaper Man
Discworld's Death is forced into retirement, and shortly thereafter a man calling himself "Bill Door" comes a-knocking at elderly Miss Flitworth's farmhouse to work as a farmhand. Windel Poons, oldest of the Wizards of Unseen University, is due to die at half-past nine, and excited to be reincarnated, but that doesn't go quite as expected. And Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler comes across a big case of snowglobes that nobody seems to be claiming... (Discworld #11, Death #2.) By Terry Pratchett. [more inside]
Book: Interesting Times
The Agatean Empire, on the Disc's gold-rich Counterweight Continent, is at a crossroads. The Emperor (May He Live for a Thousand Years) is old and mad, and at death's door. The Five Noble Families are positioning themselves for what will come afterwards. A group of revolutionaries called The Red Army are busy sloganeering. A new book called "What I Did on My Holidays" is making tons of waves. Barbarians are within the gates of the Forbidden City. And into all of this, Ankkh-Morpork's Unseen University sends Rincewind, who may not be the "Great Wizzard" the Agateans are expecting. (Discworld #17, Wizards #5.) By Terry Pratchett. [more inside]
Book: Eric
Rincewind returns from hell at the behest of a 13-year-old Demonologist looking to make a deal with a devil, and Rincewind will just have to do. Along the way to seeing about the young man's wishes, they'll visit the Discworld's versions of the Aztec Empire, the Trojan War, and Corporate Bureaucracy. (Discworld #9, Wizards #4.) By Terry Pratchett. [more inside]