The Big, Fat, Fabulous Bear
June 27, 2023 10:30 AM - Subscribe

Janoschs Traumstunde is a West German animated children's television series that originally aired from 1986 to 1990. It was dubbed into English and released on VHS in the early 90s.

My brother and I have been searching for this based on fragmented memories from our childhood for years now, I'm so excited to have finally found it that I wanted to share it far and wide. This video is an English dub of a German children's cartoon called Janoschs Traumstunde. It is based on the work of cult children's author Janosch. Though our recollection of it was hazy, I'm amazed at how much I did remember of the general dreamlike feel of the show. Lovely and calming.

For the original German language edition, please see a previous post .
posted by N8yskates 1 user marked this as a favorite
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