Chuck: vs. The Helicopter
September 25, 2014 4:18 PM - Season 1, Episode 2 - Subscribe

The Government wants to verify the secrets are inside Chuck's head. So they send a doctor who programmed the Intersect system to examine Chuck. When the doctor's car explodes, there's evidence one of the agencies was involved, leaving Chuck unsure whom to trust.

The second episode of any series is always hard. A good pilot is a tough act to follow. Second episodes have the difficult job of recapping the events of the pilot, while simultaneously moving the plot forward. It's difficult to do right.

This second episode of Chuck was a bit of a let down after the fun of the pilot. While it plays on the ambiguity of both Casey and Sarah's characters to try and foll both Chuck and the audience into wondering who to trust, this still feels like typical spy genre tropes being wheeled out for lack of a better idea.

Also, Chuck flies a helicopter, which comes off on screen about as awkwardly as it should. It's nice that Sarah was able to figure out a way to explain it to Chuck in a way that was relatable to him. That said, I've played a lot of Call of Duty, but I'm still not sure that it's prepared me to bomb people with an orbital satellite.

And hey! There's John Fleck, a character well known to watchers of genre TV. Good to see Tony Todd back as well (who stared as an older Jake Sisko in my most favorite episode of Deep Space Nine ever).

All in all, this wasn't a great follow-up to the otherwise decent pilot, but I'm willing to forgive and forget an episode clearly suffering from second-episode-itis.
posted by Effigy2000 1 user marked this as a favorite
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