A weekly pop-culture breakdown show based on Jezebel's daily column Dirt Bag. Each week Bobby Finger and Madeleine Davies break down the biggest celebrity stories, play funny games, and interview PR experts and novices alike.
Podcast: DirtCast: Episode 2: Tom! Hiddleston! Is! Sad!
Bobby and Madeleine speak with special guest (and Jezebel Senior Writer) the Honorable Judge Kara Brown about C-list celebrities selling their souls--and Flat Tummy Tea--on Instagram. Also discussed: the tragedy of Tom Hiddleston, scary entertainment lawyers, and the vanilla sex of Fifty Shades Darker. [more inside]
Podcast: DirtCast: Episode 1: Bloated Careers & Bloated Faces
On our very first episode of DirtCast, hosts Bobby and Madeleine discuss Johnny Depp's wine budget, puzzle over the continued success of of Mel Gibson, and debate whether or not Titanic's Jack and Rose would've been a successful longterm couple. We also speak to former PR agent/current gossip blogger Rob Shuter on the symbiotic relationship between celebrities and the tabloids that cover them. [more inside]