2 posts tagged with AmericasGotTalent.
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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Theresa May's Election Disaster and Brexit  Season 4, Ep 15

Last week....
  • A new installment of Stupid Watergate. James Comey tells Congress under oath that he had no doubt he was fired because of the Russia investigation, which everyone knew anyway but still sent shockwaves, and that wasn't the end of it.
  • And Now: There Is No Group Of People More Easily Amazed Than The Audience Of "America's Got Talent."
  • Main story: The continuing negotiations of the UK over Brexit, and the harm done to them by Prime Minister Theresa May's ill-considered snap election which lost her a lot of seats. YouTube (19m)
In the UK, much like from the classic Monty Python sketch Election Night Special, it's traditional for all the candidates to appear on stage together when results are announced, no matter how many votes they received, meaning Theresa May had to appear on stage with Elmo (three votes), Howling Lord Hope of the Monster Raving Looney Party (119 votes) and "Lord Buckethead" (249 votes), an "intergalactic space lord." The esteemed personage was flown in by LWT to New York to appear on the show, an event which he comemmorated on Twitter. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jun 14, 2017 - 6 comments

America's Got Talent: Semifinals, Week 2: Performances  Season 9, Ep 20

Twelve acts perform. Six will advance.
posted by cribcage on Sep 2, 2014 - 3 comments

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