3 posts tagged with BorisMcGiver.
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For Life: Pilot  Season 1, Ep 1

A prisoner becomes a lawyer and fights to overturn his life sentence for a crime he didn't commit. (ABC, US broadcast) [more inside]
posted by oh yeah! on Feb 11, 2020 - 10 comments

House of Cards: Chapter 52  Season 4, Ep 13

As the hostage situation continues, Claire secretly negotiates with Yusuf al Ahmadi. Frank confronts Hammerschmidt. [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on Apr 6, 2016 - 20 comments

House of Cards: Chapter 51  Season 4, Ep 12

Frank sent the US Special Forces to Syria to capture the head of ICO. The Underwoods are simul-debating Conway and Brockhart, when the President is pulled away to deal with terrorists who kidnapped an American family. And they'll only speak to his successor - Conway.
posted by the man of twists and turns on Apr 4, 2016 - 10 comments

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