2 posts tagged with HermanMelville.
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Movie: Bartleby

A manager (David Paymer) hires a strange employee (Crispin Glover) who, at first, is exceptionally efficient but then begins to reply to any request with "I would prefer not to." An adaptation of Herman Melville's short story "Bartleby, the Scrivener" told in the setting of a modern office. [more inside]
posted by DirtyOldTown on May 4, 2023 - 6 comments

Movie: In the Heart of the Sea

Based on the Nathaniel Philbrick book by the same title, this movie recounts the 1820 sinking of the whaling ship Essex, a maritime disaster that would inspire Herman Melville's great novel, Moby Dick. [more inside]
posted by carmicha on Dec 28, 2015 - 5 comments

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