2 posts tagged with JesseVentura.
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Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 220 - Camp Donald feat. Libby Watson (6/17/18)

A skeleton crew of Will and Matt are joined by Chapo associate and fan favorite Libby Watson to discuss the delightful topics of America's child concentration camps, a D.C. ballot measure to get tipped workers actually paid a living wage, and yet another attempt to understand the country club-dwelling, restaurant-owning Trump-supporting common folk of our heartland, but all after we receive a special call-in from former governor Jesse Ventura* to talk about the lighter side of the news and the recent raccoon antics in the Minneapolis/St Paul region. [more inside]
posted by Space Coyote on Jun 18, 2018 - 3 comments

Movie: Predator

A team of commandos on a mission in a Central American jungle find themselves hunted by an extraterrestrial warrior. [more inside]
posted by MoonOrb on Apr 12, 2018 - 29 comments

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