2 posts tagged with Jodorowsky.
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Green Frontier: All Episodes  Season 1, Ep 0

I would strongly prefer this thread to be retitled with the Spanish name, Frontera Verde. (Wikipedia) Frontera Verde is a Colombian crime thriller web television miniseries. (IMDB): “When a young Bogotá-based detective gets drawn into the jungle to investigate four femicides, she uncovers magic, an evil plot and her own true origins.” A Colombian Netflix series, 8 episodes, set at the Colombian-Brazilian border, and shot in Spanish, Portuguese, and indigenous languages. Combines police procedural with Latin melodrama, an acid Western sensibility similar to the French adaptation of Giraud and Charlier’s Blueberry graphic novels, Coppola’s Apocalypse Now, Jodorowsky, the countercultural The Teachings of Don Juan books, and elements of Herzog’s Aguirre. It is a dense text. [more inside]
posted by mwhybark on Mar 22, 2020 - 5 comments

Movie: The Holy Mountain

In a corrupt, greed-fueled world, a powerful alchemist leads a Christ-like character and seven materialistic figures to the Holy Mountain, where they hope to achieve enlightenment. Not available on Netflix, but it is available to rent on Amazon.
posted by ian1977 on Jun 29, 2015 - 5 comments

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