3 posts tagged with KimStanleyRobinson.
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Podcast: Revolutions: 11.0 - Welcome to the Martian Revolution

Mike Duncan is back! And his next project is future historical fiction! Chapter 11 will cover the centuries-hence revolution on Mars. When he first wrapped up the Revolutions podcast after his 103 part epic on the Russian Revolution, Mike recorded his takeaways from the podcast's run in a series of 12 appendices. Now he's using these takeaways to create a future history of Mars using a premise familiar to readers of Kim Stanley Robinson and The Expanse: People don't stop being people just because they've gone into space. Same sh*t, different century.
posted by whuppy on Oct 28, 2024 - 5 comments

Book: The Ministry for the Future

A fictional future history of solving climate change over the next thirty years, from classic science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson. Recently the subject of discussion on the blue: Imagining the End of Capitalism. [more inside]
posted by Rainbo Vagrant on Nov 30, 2020 - 10 comments

Ministry for the Future

This book was recently the subject of a thread on the blue. [more inside]
posted by Rainbo Vagrant on Nov 20, 2020 - 5 comments

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