2 posts tagged with KingOfDwarves.
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American Gods: The Ways of the Dead  Books Included   Season 2, Ep 5

While Shadow tours Cairo and gets a lesson on its history, Laura and Sweeney meet with Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte and make a deal. Wednesday takes The Djinn and Salim to meet with Alviss, the King of Dwarves. [Books included] [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on Apr 8, 2019 - 7 comments

American Gods: The Ways of the Dead  Show Only   Season 2, Ep 5

While Shadow tours Cairo and gets a lesson on its history, Laura and Sweeney meet with Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte and make a deal. Wednesday takes The Djinn and Salim to meet with Alviss, the King of Dwarves. [Show only] [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on Apr 8, 2019 - 1 comment

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