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Made in Abyss: Season 1 dicussion  Season 1, Ep 0

An enormous pit and cave system, known as the Abyss, is the only unexplored place in the world. Nobody knows how deep down it goes, inhabited by strange and wondrous creatures and full of mysterious ancient relics which purpose in unknown to modern humans. Insatiable curiosity drives humans known as Cave Raiders to venture down into the pit. A little orphan girl named Riko lives in the town of Orth on the edge of the Abyss, with dreams of becoming a legendary Cave Raider like her mother. One day while exploring the murky depths she stumbles upon a little boy, who turns out to be a robot. Tantalized by the mysteries of the Abyss, Riko and her new friend descend into uncharted territory to unlock its mysteries, but what lies in wait for them in the darkness? [more inside]
posted by numaner on Nov 13, 2017 - 4 comments

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