3 posts tagged with Native.
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Reservation Dogs: Frankfurter Sandwich  Season 3, Ep 6

Uncles Brownie, Bucky and Big take Cheese on a trip to the woods.
posted by mediareport on Aug 30, 2023 - 8 comments

Reservation Dogs: What About Your Dad  Season 1, Ep 4

Bear's dad, a rapper, is hired to perform at the Clinic's Diabetes Awareness Frybread Feast. Bear spends the California fund buying him a gift - a beaded medallion that is supposed to resemble a microphone. [more inside]
posted by kaiseki on Aug 25, 2021 - 5 comments

Podcast: Radiolab from WNYC: American Football

The most popular sport in the US is savage, creative, brutal & balletic. Love it or loathe it, it's a touchstone of the American identity. [more inside]
posted by bq on Feb 8, 2015 - 4 comments

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