4 posts tagged with bluediamond and greg.
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Steven Universe: That Will Be All  Season 4, Ep 15

The Crystal Gems (and Greg) make a daring escape under the noses of Yellow and Blue Diamond.
posted by Small Dollar on Feb 2, 2017 - 11 comments

Steven Universe: Gem Heist  Season 4, Ep 13

The Crystal Gems infiltrate the human zoo.
posted by Small Dollar on Jan 31, 2017 - 4 comments

Steven Universe: Adventures in Light Distortion  Season 4, Ep 12

The Crystal Gems encounter unexpected trouble during space travel.
posted by Small Dollar on Jan 30, 2017 - 5 comments

Steven Universe: Steven's Dream  Season 4, Ep 11

Steven has a dream about a Gem structure that the Crystal Gems refuse to talk about.
posted by Small Dollar on Jan 30, 2017 - 6 comments

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