2 posts tagged with defundthepolice.
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Wyatt Cenac's Problem Areas, as vindicated in the NYT
If you slept on it, Wyatt is still there for you.
The Second Season is a must-watch if you want to think "What does 're-opening' schools mean in the middle of a pandemic?"
HBO published all the episodes on Youtube in the wake of George Floyd's murder.
Earlier Fanfare posts 1 and 2 [more inside]
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Facial Recognition Season 7, Ep 15
This week (again from the White Void): protests over the brutal police killing of George Floyd continue, Tucker Carlson gripes about puppets telling kids about racism, and Minneapolis votes to abolish their police department while New York criminalizes the use by police of chokeholds like the one that killed George Floyd. Statues of slave traders the world over have been toppled, wrecked or defaced, but police unions continue to angrily justify the status quo. (There's a lot of infuriating material in this section.) And Now: C-Span Callers Have Some Thoughts On The Coronavirus For The Second Most Patient Man On Television. Main Story is on the use of technology for facial recognition, and, ominously, its increased use by law enforcement, especially as provided by a company called Clearview AI. On YouTube (21m) [more inside]