3 posts tagged with dessert.
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The Great British Bake Off: Dessert Week  Season 9, Ep 4

It's dessert week! This week, our bakers tackle Meringue Roulades in the signature, attempt to create Raspberry Blancmange with 12 Langues de Chat biscuits in the technical, and wrap this sweet week up with a Melting Chocolate Ball dessert showstopper.
posted by PearlRose on Sep 19, 2018 - 19 comments

The Great British Bake Off: Dessert  Season 7, Ep 7

Week seven of The Great British Bake Off is Dessert Week - three sweet challenges which will mean a bitter end for one of the six remaining bakers as they battle for a place in the quarter-final. [more inside]
posted by everybody had matching towels on Oct 5, 2016 - 8 comments

Hannibal: Savoureux  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 13

Savoureux is like a dessert, only not sweet. Tart, like cheese. Or bitter. Or horrifying and deadly, like that Sicilian cheese that's illegal and contains jumping maggots that eat you alive from the inside if you're foolish enough to consume it, and I have no idea why anybody would be. I bet Hannibal would eat it, but actually he'd be pretending in order to gull you into eating it so he could revel in the duping delight.
posted by tel3path on Nov 20, 2014 - 24 comments

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