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Upcoming: New Media being release in May 2023

Hi, this is a new feature we’re rolling out on FanFare, based on a suggestion from community member geoff. We’ve added a new category called 'Upcoming', which can be used to discuss upcoming media (tv, movies, books, etc) being released soon that people are interested in*. It's designed to be pretty low stakes, requiring very little in mod or development resources, so the community can just use it almost immediately to talk about upcoming media. To start things off, I’m gonna mention a few things are coming out in May that have me interested, but it’s not any sort of exhaustive list, nor should future posts by the community feel limited to the monthly format. Otherwise, for this initial post feel free to chime in about what you’re looking forward to media wise in May! [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on May 1, 2023 - 15 comments

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