3 posts tagged with iggypop.
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Movie: The Color of Money

Former pool hustler "Fast Eddie" Felson (Paul Newman) decides he wants to return to the game by taking a pupil. He meets talented but green Vincent Lauria (Tom Cruise) and proposes a partnership. As they tour pool halls, Eddie teaches Vincent the tricks of scamming, but he eventually grows frustrated with Vincent's showboat antics, leading to an argument and a falling-out. Eddie takes up playing again and soon crosses paths with Vincent as an opponent. [more inside]
posted by DirtyOldTown on Jan 13, 2023 - 9 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Magnificent Ferengi  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 10

In 2374, a crack commando unit was sent to Empok Nor to rescue a woman captured by the Dominion for a crime she didn't commit. These men promptly killed their only bargaining chip in their minimum-security infirmary. If you have a problem… if no one else can help… and if you can pay them… maybe you shouldn't hire… The Ferengi Team. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Aug 4, 2016 - 8 comments

Podcast: This American Life: #546: Burroughs 101

This American Life host Ira Glass was never into William Burroughs. Didn't get why people love his writing so much. Then he heard this radio story that changed all that, partly because it wasn't very reverential about Burroughs. For Burroughs 101st birthday, we hear that story. [more inside]
posted by jazon on Feb 3, 2015 - 4 comments

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