2 posts tagged with josephheller.
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Book: Catch-22

Catch-22 is like no other novel we have ever read. It has its own style, its own rationale, its own extraordinary character. It moves back and forth from hilarity to horror. It is outrageously funny and strangely affecting. It is totally original. It is set in the closing months of World War II, in an American bomber squadron on a small island off Italy. Its hero is a bombardier named Yossarian, who is frantic and furious because thousands of people he hasn't even met keep trying to kill him.... [more inside]
posted by Fukiyama on Jun 14, 2019 - 5 comments

Reading Catch-22 ahead of the miniseries

I've been thinking about rereading Catch-22 and hopefully have it done by the end of the month. Anyone care to join me? [more inside]
posted by Fukiyama on May 7, 2019 - 4 comments

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