979 posts tagged with netflix.
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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy Gets a Job!  Season 1, Ep 2

Kimmy fights to get her job back while Titus fights to get his costume security deposit back so he can follow his dreams.
posted by drezdn on Mar 10, 2015 - 31 comments

House of Cards: Chapter 32  Season 3, Ep 6

Frank and Claire travel to Moscow to meet with Petrov. [more inside]
posted by donajo on Mar 9, 2015 - 21 comments

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy goes outside.  Season 1, Ep 1

Kimmy Schmidt, and Indiana cult member gets freed by police. She decides to try living in New York City.
posted by drezdn on Mar 9, 2015 - 51 comments

House of Cards: Chapter 31  Season 3, Ep 5

Frank declares war on Congress to jump-start his jobs program. Claire spars with the Russian ambassador. [more inside]
posted by zix on Mar 5, 2015 - 13 comments

House of Cards: Chapter 30  Season 3, Ep 4

Claire bypasses Russia at the U.N. Frank tries to outmaneuver a political challenger and ends up facing a higher power. [more inside]
posted by zix on Mar 4, 2015 - 24 comments

House of Cards: Chapter 29  Season 3, Ep 3

The Russian president's state visit becomes a cold war of wills, and some punks heat it up. [more inside]
posted by zix on Mar 2, 2015 - 21 comments

House of Cards: Chapter 28  Season 3, Ep 2

Claire's U.N. bid runs into trouble. Frank fights off mutiny with a bold address to the country. [more inside]
posted by zix on Feb 28, 2015 - 24 comments

House of Cards: Chapter 27  Season 3, Ep 1

Frank wants to introduce an ambitious jobs program, while Claire sets her sights on the United Nations.
posted by zix on Feb 27, 2015 - 25 comments

House of Cards (US, Netflix)

Season 3 is available today. Is anyone interested? If so, any suggestions on how to strike a binge-savor balance with the episode threads?
posted by zix on Feb 27, 2015 - 6 comments

Marco Polo: The Heavenly And Primal  Season 1, Ep 10

Kublai has a disagreement. A bloody egg. Fire lances and trebuchets. A bit of a dust up at Xiangyang. An exquisitely jokey scene to end it all. [more inside]
posted by unliteral on Dec 26, 2014 - 1 comment

Marco Polo: Prisoners  Season 1, Ep 9

AAAHHHHHHHHH! A cute mini-cannon. Impotence rears it’s ugly head. We spend a lot of time preparing for an execution. [more inside]
posted by unliteral on Dec 22, 2014 - 5 comments

Marco Polo: Rendering  Season 1, Ep 8

An engagement. A revengeful murder. AhLin develops further. Sword dancing. Bone dice are played with. Grisly pots get stirred. Kokachion comes under Marco's protection. Marco gets sucked in. [more inside]
posted by unliteral on Dec 22, 2014 - 2 comments

Marco Polo: The Scholar's Pen  Season 1, Ep 7

We learn about Sidao and Mei Lin’s history. There are missions for Marco and Hundred Eyes. Khutulun goes stone cold. Preparations for war. [more inside]
posted by unliteral on Dec 22, 2014 - 1 comment

Marco Polo: White Moon  Season 1, Ep 6

Marco goes all Columbo with Byamba. Khutulun makes a welcome reappearance. We find out who the Blue Princess really is. Hey! let's have another orgy. Sidao takes a hit. [more inside]
posted by unliteral on Dec 22, 2014 - 2 comments

Marco Polo: Hashshashin  Season 1, Ep 5

Introduction of the assassins and related intrigue - nicely done. Bromance blossoms on the trail. Red kaleidoscope sex scene. Really? I'm lost for words.
posted by unliteral on Dec 20, 2014 - 4 comments

Marco Polo: The Fourth Step  Season 1, Ep 4

Marco has daddy issues. The Blue Princess is back on. Jia is really cruel. [more inside]
posted by unliteral on Dec 18, 2014 - 2 comments

Marco Polo: Feast  Season 1, Ep 3

The Cricket Master gets badass. Jingim is made to wriggle. Blue Princess is out, Khutulun is in. [more inside]
posted by unliteral on Dec 17, 2014 - 2 comments

Marco Polo: The Wolf And The Deer  Season 1, Ep 2

Marco learns more about the Mongol culture, checks out the spices and is schooled in combat. Mei Lin gets badass. Kublai Khan gets badass. [more inside]
posted by unliteral on Dec 16, 2014 - 6 comments

Marco Polo: The Wayfarer  Season 1, Ep 1

In a world replete with greed, betrayal, sexual intrigue and rivalry, "Marco Polo" is based on the famed explorer's adventures in Kublai Khan's court in 13th century China. [IMDB] [more inside]
posted by unliteral on Dec 15, 2014 - 10 comments

Lilyhammer : The Olympics caught my attention

Just checking for interest. The 3rd season of this Netflix original drops on the 21st. [more inside]
posted by lawliet on Nov 15, 2014 - 1 comment

Any interest in Wolfblood? (Netflixfilter)

Wolfblood, a YA series from CBBC has just been added to Netflix USA and Netflix Canada (I haven't checked UK, but in the UK it's available on BBC iPlayer). Any interest in a discussion of the series, or a watch-through episode by episode? [more inside]
posted by Mogur on Sep 22, 2014 - 0 comments

The Killing: Eden  Season 4, Ep 6

The season finale for the six-part season four that ran on Netflix. Slate reckons that you should watch season four, even if you abandoned The Killing earlier. The AV Club has a mostly-spoiler-free review of the season, and one full of spoilers. You can get brief episode recaps at the Wikipedia page. Buzzfeed talks with Tylor Ross who played Kyle (full spoilers). Vanity Fair found the season sentimental. As spoilers abound in any possible recap I can find, so the only recap possible above the fold is: It rains. Holder and Linden talk. Crime happens.
posted by viggorlijah on Aug 12, 2014 - 9 comments

The Killing, season 4 post?

Would it be better to post one-by-one, or can I jump straight to season 4, episode 6? We started episode 4x01 last night and staggered off to sleep at 4am thanks to Netflix and auto-play. I searched but can't find any posts here or on the blue about season four.
posted by viggorlijah on Aug 8, 2014 - 10 comments

The Fall: - all episodes

Is anyone watching BBCs The Fall? [more inside]
posted by triggerfinger on Aug 5, 2014 - 11 comments

Hemlock Grove?

Hemlock Grove S1 is pretty god-awful, but something drew me back to a satisfyingly mediocre S2. I know for a fact that I don't have the energy to do a week-by-week watch thread, but how about a thread for the whole run of the series so far? Is there any sort of precedent for doing that, and would anyone else be interested?
posted by codacorolla on Jul 24, 2014 - 4 comments

Orange Is the New Black: You Also Have a Pizza  Season 2, Ep 6

Love is in the air as the inmates prepare for a Valentine's Day party; Red makes an intriguing new discovery. Larry asks Piper to be his prison mole. Featured Inmate: Poussey.
posted by zarq on Jun 10, 2014 - 34 comments

Orange Is the New Black: Low Self Esteem City  Season 2, Ep 5

Episode's focus is on Gloria Mendoza, Latina den mother and current captain of the kitchen. A bathroom turf war sees deeper lines drawn in the sand as she and Vee go head to head. Piper receives devastating news.
posted by zarq on Jun 10, 2014 - 20 comments

Orange Is the New Black: Thirsty Bird  Season 2, Ep 1

Piper is taken on a mystery journey and encounters some bug problems.
posted by transient on Jun 6, 2014 - 39 comments

From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series: La Conquista  Season 1, Ep 8

The Geckos, Fullers, El Rinche and Sex Machine look for a way out of the world's most dangerous strip club
posted by Hoopo on May 8, 2014 - 10 comments

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