3 posts tagged with s7e19.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Genesis Rewatch Season 7, Ep 19
The crew of the Enterprise confronts the beasts within. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Q2 Rewatch Season 7, Ep 19
Facing his son's banishment from the Q Continuum, Q leaves him on Voyager in the hopes that he will gain self-discipline. Yeah, good luck with that, Aunt Kathy. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Strange Bedfellows Rewatch Season 7, Ep 19
(Series Finale - Part 3 of 9) Unfortunately, despite the title, not a bedroom farce (with the deliberate exception of The Power Couple Who Shall Not Be Named), but still plenty to chew on: Martok reveals to Sisko that the real war has just begun, a prisoner is a pain in the neck for Weyoun, Quark pours one out for a homie, Damar considers the man in the mirror (prior to asking him to change his ways), Winn does a heel/even-worse-heel turn, and Worf and Ezri? They're just hangin' out. [more inside]