35 posts tagged with sprig and amphibia.
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Amphibia: Escape to Amphibia Season 3, Ep 10
At last, with the help of their friends and family, Anne and the Plantars are on the verge of returning to Amphibia, but Mr. X and the FBI are closing in. [more inside]
Amphibia: Froggy Little Christmas Season 3, Ep 9
Mrs. Boonchuy has wanted a float for her restaurant in the city's Christmas Parade for years, and finally gets the opportunity, but turns it down due to the danger to the Plantars being discovered. So, Anne, the Plantars and their friends make one in secret. Meanwhile, the Plantars try to make sense of Christmas... and Andrias sends another robot assassin. [more inside]
Amphibia: Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan Season 3, Ep 7
Spider-Sprig: Sprig decides to become a superhero, and does a pretty good job of it, but gains a rival in the form a local safety supervisor. Olivia & Yunan: Back in Amphibia, Olivia and General Yunan attempt to rescue Marcy from King Andrias's clutches. [more inside]
Amphibia: Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday Season 3, Ep 6
Mr. X: An FBI special agent and alien enthusiast finds evidence of frogs from another dimension, and chases Anne and the Plantars through a movie theater, while Anne's parents figure out a way to save them. Sprig's Birthday: On hearing that Amphibians don't make a huge deal over birthdays, Anne resolves to give Sprig a birthday he'll never forget. As a result they almost die. [more inside]
Amphibia: Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator Season 3, Ep 5
Fixing Frobo: Polly tries to fix Frobo, the frog robot made when they found the factory way back in early Season 2. As a result they almost die. Anne-sterminator: The other frog robot, the advanced model sent to kill Anne, is given an ultimatum by Andrias: kill Anne in an hour, or be self-destructed. It finds the Boonchuy residence and attacks. As a result, yeah, you get the picture. [more inside]
Amphibia: Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs Season 3, Ep 4
Fight at the Museum: The search for information to return the Plantars to Amphibia takes our heroes to the museum, where they meet potential ally Dr. Jan, and definite enemy, the frog robot. Temple Frogs: The day following the museum trip, Anne gets a message from Dr. Jan, but before she can follow up on it her mother pulls her into helping out at the local Thai Temple. The frogs fit in surprisingly well there, but their robotic pursuer is less welcome. [more inside]
Amphibia: Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting Season 3, Ep 3
Thai Feud: The Plantars are guests in the Boonchuy home for now, but Sprig wants to be part of Anne's family like how Anne is part of the Plantars'. He unwisely resolves to do something about a rival food truck that's taken to parking outside the Boonchuy's restaurant. Adventures in Catsitting: It's been a week since Anne returned to Earth and her parents' house with her favorite frogs, and Hop Pop suspects they're overstaying their welcome. Desperate for him and his family to pull their weight, they volunteer to take family cat Domino to the vet. [more inside]
Amphibia: Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point Season 3, Ep 2
Hop 'Til You Drop: The Plantars are excited to explore Anne's world, but are ignorant of its own kinds of dangers. Anne figures the best thing to do is to drop them in the deep end at the most chaotic place she can think of: the mall.
Turning Point: In Amphibia, after Anne and the Plantars were sent to Earth, Sasha and Captain Grime escape from Andrias' castle and hide out in Wartwood, but are soon tracked there by a robot scout. [more inside]
Amphibia: The New Normal Season 3, Ep 1
[this is jumping ahead a bit...]
The start of Season Three. After the momentous events of the previous episode (True Colors), Anne is back in Los Angeles! BUT the Plantars are stranded there with her, Sasha and Marcy are still stuck in Amphibia, Marcy is additionally in a tank on life support, and King Andrias plans on using the Calamity Box to send robots to invade Earth. But first, Sprig, Polly (now with legs!) and Hop Pop meet Anne's parents, the Boonchuys. [more inside]
Amphibia: Family Fishing Trip Season 1, Ep 31
The Plantars take their annual fishing trip, and Sprig is looking forward to spending time with Hop Pop. But he's invited his new girlfriend Sylvia along, and so he resorts to cartoon pranks to keep his grandpa to himself. Meanwhile, Anne has comedy parasailing adventures while Polly looks on and laughs. [more inside]
Amphibia: A Night At The Inn Season 1, Ep 29
Polly feels like she's not allowed to do anything because she's just a pollywog. Meanwhile, Bessie breaks down (she can do that?) on the road, so Anne and the Plantars stay at a roadside bed & breakfast. As a result they almost die. [more inside]
Amphibia: Cracking Mrs. Croaker Season 1, Ep 28
Everyone in town loves Sprig! Everyone except elderly Mrs. Sadie Croaker, who for some reason is always "meh" whenever she encounters the young frog. This eats at Sprig to the extent that he resorts to outlandish means to get her to like him. [more inside]
Amphibia: Snow Day Season 1, Ep 27
Once a year the entire town of Wartwood freezes over for a night and the whole town hibernates, and each time someone disappears and is never seen again. But this year they have Anne, who's warm-blooded, to watch out for everyone. [more inside]
Amphibia: Trip To The Archives Season 1, Ep 26
To prepare for their journey to find a way to get Anne home, the Plantars visit the Wartwood Town Archives. As a result, they get trapped in a building and Anne almost gets eaten by giant cicadas. (Thanks, Sprig.) [more inside]
Amphibia: Croak & Punishment Season 1, Ep 25
Sprig finds a rare Blue Moon Shell. He wants to give it to Ivy, but it disappears before he can! Convinced it was stolen, he goes overboard in his attempts to discover who took it. [more inside]
Amphibia: Civil Wart Season 1, Ep 23
From the boundless memory card of Anne's phone comes something called a movie, that splits Wartwood into two camps, each stanning one of the romantic leads. Sprig and Polly end up heading the rival factions, even though Hop Pop begs Sprig to let Polly win due to her being younger. [more inside]
Amphibia: Hop Pop and Lock Season 1, Ep 22
Hop Pop reunites with old flame Sylvia Sundew, but is immediately challenged by a another suitor, Monroe. Can Anne help Hop Pop learn to dance so he can express his feelings? [more inside]
Amphibia: Grubhog Day Season 1, Ep 21
Sprig is assigned to take care of the focus creature of a Wartwood festival, meaning he can't go on any rides or have fun, but Anne convinces him that he could still enjoy the festivities if he took the grubhog with him. As you've probably guessed, things go badly. [more inside]
Amphibia: Toad Tax Season 1, Ep 19
Over a month after her arrival, Anne is still made fun of and called "Scarecrow" by Wartwood's residents. But then a small band of toads arrives from Toad Tower to punish folk who haven't paid taxes, and Anne joins them to try to earn some respect from the townsfolk. [more inside]
Amphibia: Plantar's Last Stand Season 1, Ep 18
Mayor Maire Toadstool quadruples the rent on the Plantar family produce stand. To save it, Anne suggests selling fruit juice as a patent medicine called Plantar's Potion, which sells extremely well but tests Hop Pop's honesty. [more inside]
Amphibia: Family Shrub Season 1, Ep 16
While Hop Pop leaves the house to buy glue to construct his "family shrub" chart, the kids discover a secret passage in the family house that leads to the old basement rooms of the Plantar ancestors. As a result they almost die. [more inside]
Amphibia: Contagi-Anne Season 1, Ep 15
Anne pretends to be sick, with the "mochalattes," to get out of work during a storm, but as a result the Plantars actually get sick, and she is guilt-stricken. [more inside]
Amphibia: Anne vs. Wild Season 1, Ep 14
Feeling left out when she discovers the Plantars were going on a camping trip without her, Anne asks to come along. As a result they almost die. [more inside]
Amphibia: Dating Season Season 1, Ep 13
After Anne and Hop Pop learn that Sprig has a girl frog friend, they try to set them up during the Firefly Formal dance. As a result they almost die. [more inside]
Amphibia: Sprig vs. Hop Pop Season 1, Ep 11
Unhappy with Hop Po's leadership, Sprig challenges Hop Pop to a ceremonial fight and wins, becoming the new head of the farm. Predictably, disaster ensues. [more inside]
Amphibia: Breakout Star Season 1, Ep 10
Anne, who up until now has been treated like a monster and a freak by the townsfolk, breaks out in pimples that resemble warts, and suddenly she's a star among the frog citizenry. Mayor Toadstool tries to take political advantage, straining relations between Anne and the Plantars. [more inside]
Amphibia: Anne Theft Auto Season 1, Ep 9
Hop Pop says Anne can drive the family snail Bessie, but only if she reads a large book (that he wrote) explaining Bessie's life and facts about her. As a result Anne almost dies. [more inside]
Amphibia: Taking Charge Season 1, Ep 8
After introducing the Plantars to her favorite show, "Suspicion Island," the mysteriously bottomless battery of Anne's cell phone finally gives out, and she and the Plantars go to find a way to charge it. As a result they almost die. [more inside]
Amphibia: The Domino Effect Season 1, Ep 7
Anne misses her cat Domino from back home, but finds a caterpillar in the woods who looks a lot like her and decides to keep it as a pet, against Hop Pop's rules. As a result they almost die. [more inside]
Amphibia: Stakeout Season 1, Ep 6
Anne and Hop Pop are arguing, so Sprig hides Hop Pop's prize-winning corn and suggests they watch the field overnight in a misguided ploy to bring them closer together. As a result he and Polly almost die. [more inside]
Amphibia: Hop Luck Season 1, Ep 5
The town's annual pot luck competition is coming, and every year Hop Pop's cooking earns the family a night in the Shame Cage, but Anne thinks she can help the family win by making pizza. As a result they almost die.
Amphibia: Flood, Sweat & Tears Season 1, Ep 4
The basement, Anne's room, is flooded. Hop Pop offers to let Anne sleep on the couch, but Sprig has a better idea: they could be roommates until the basement drains. As a result they almost die again.
Amphibia: Cane Crazy Season 1, Ep 3
Anne, Sprig and Polly break Hop Pop's favorite cane, which has been passed down in the Plantar family for centuries. They go out to get wood for another from a "doom tree." As a result they almost die again.
Amphibia: Best Fronds Season 1, Ep 2
The Planters are still mistrustful of Anne. She's feeling homesick, so Sprig takes her to his favorite pond, against the advice and efforts of Hop Pop. As a result they almost die again.
Amphibia: Anne or Beast? Season 1, Ep 1
In a land of sentient amphibians and their many predators, vagrant One-Eyed Wally runs into the town of Wartwood claiming to have seen a monster. Young frog Sprig Plantar disobeys his grandfather to go look it, but it's not a beast at all: it's 13-year-old Anne Boonchuy, a human from another world. [more inside]