2 posts tagged with stlouis.
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Fargo: The Nadir  Season 4, Ep 8

Loy plays with fire, Josto wears his heart on his sleeve, Oraetta makes a surprising discovery and Deafy closes in on Zelmare and Swanee.
posted by paper chromatographologist on Nov 10, 2020 - 5 comments

Defiance: Put the Damage On  Season 2, Ep 5

Potentially drug-induced hallucinations haunt several of Defiance's residents, including former mayor Amanda, while the more entertaining arc of a naked Graham Green Rafe McCawley, recently evicted by the Earth Republic and now living with his daughter's in-laws, is uncomfortably confronted by a welcoming half-naked Stahma while bathing. Datak, in light of the painful realization that he must adopt a new strategy to right the upside down world of his, begins a plot to run the Earth Republic out of Defiance.
posted by Atreides on Jul 21, 2014 - 11 comments

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