3 posts tagged with whimsy.
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The Magicians: We Have Brought You Little Cakes Show Only Season 2, Ep 13
Ember recaps things so far as only Ember can, which brings us to now: "a crisis comes to a head when the true power behind the troubles comes to party. Battles are won and wars are lost, as Q and the others must protect their kingdom. Alice makes a startling revelation and things may never be the same." Now, let's debate the merits of an open, informed democracy versus an authoritarian monarchy! [Season Finale; Season 3 due out in 2018]
The Magicians: We Have Brought You Little Cakes Books Included Season 2, Ep 13
Ember recaps things so far as only Ember can, which brings us to now: "a crisis comes to a head when the true power behind the troubles comes to party. Battles are won and wars are lost, as Q and the others must protect their kingdom. Alice makes a startling revelation and things may never be the same." Your books mean nothing here! [Season Finale; Season 3 due out in 2018]
Hannibal: Tome-wan Season 2, Ep 12
A former compatriot returns to help Will design his lure of loneliness and whimsy, while Hannibal helps Mason to expand his culinary horizons. This is the second to last episode of the season.