Legends of Tomorrow: The Curse of the Earth Totem
February 26, 2018 8:59 PM - Season 3, Episode 12 - Subscribe

When Sara decides to take some private time, the Legends pursue a lead on the whereabouts of the long-lost Earth Totem and find themselves in 1717 Bahamas to hunt for Blackbeard's treasure. (Meanwhile, elsewhere/when, the Rip and Wally show)
posted by oh yeah! (9 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
one quip: did Sara and Ava move tables while they were eating? perhaps the high table is when they were waiting for a table?
posted by numaner at 2:31 PM on February 27, 2018

- Maisie Richardson-Sellers' pirate accent is pretty great, but it's probably closer to her natural British accent
- "if you really like that mean time bureau lady you shouldn't give up on her"
- So Blackbeard's just a total nampy pampy
- I was going to complain about how they didn't grab the Spirit Totem somehow, but now that I think about it's probably still in Darkh's coat and he would've killed anyone running up to him, and also set up Ray's trade and capture. Which brings me to this complaint: the Darkhs could basically pop in any timeline and kill the Legends with their magic. But they don't. But it's the same complaint I have for why the speedsters don't just fully use their power to win everything.
- omg Avara, or is it Sarava? anyways totes dorbs
posted by numaner at 3:05 PM on February 27, 2018 [1 favorite]

The Agent Ava + Sara Lance ship name has apparently settled out to be AvaLance.
And watching people react to it is also totes adorbs.
posted by bartleby at 5:07 PM on February 27, 2018 [2 favorites]

This was another really strong episode, despite Blackbeard being nothing but a flip-floppy plot-service engine turned into the cut-out of a character.

Zari was wrong, her hair looked great wavy. And I liked Amaya's straight look for a change too. Mind you, the less said about the pirate wigs the better. (The cursed wigs of the Arrowverse strike again.)

Outside of being familiar with it, I don't know why Sara would have picked current day Star City for a date. Isn't she supposed to be dead again in Star? Somehow I don't think it's smart to be spotted out and about. As for the high table to low table switch, I think it's just that before Ava showed up Sara was just at one of the bar tables and the server moved them to the dining table once both parties were ready to make good on their reservation.

Mick and Amaya are always a good pairing and this time was no different. Mick always seems to bring out the best in the rest of the team members. He's the Legend's secret sauce.

I had a hard time looking at that earth totem. I don't know if it's just me, but green glowing rocks in the D.C. realm should be Kryptonite, not magic totems. And if this magic totem is somehow made of Kryptonite, then that's really screwed up. How would an alien element control the energy of the earth? It doesn't make sense. (Yes, I realize the odds of it being Kryptonite are really, really slim and it's going to turn out to be just a magic earth rock, but I really can't help but speculate.)

As for "earth" power, the totem and its effects seem to be more connected with the Green (think Swamp Thing, Jason Woodrue/The Floronic Man) than the earth (which I'd more closely associate with GeoForce, Terra, etc.) Physically the totem's powers manifested more like something we'd see from Poison Ivy, so I really don't know how/if the producers plan to tie the totem into D.C. history.

No matter if the totem turns out to be anything recognizable, I'm expect we'll see Amaya wear it at least once before she gets her own totem back.

I also expect (although I'm hoping I'm really, really wrong) an arc where Nora's feelings and affection for Ray will be involved in her (likely more temporary than permanent) redemption. And speaking of the evil family, Neal McDonough looks fabulous in that period get-up.

I almost hit post before saying something about Wally and Rip. So far this show has done more to give Wally a personality than Flash ever did, and it seems it has also brought about some self-awareness for Rip, so well done.
posted by sardonyx at 8:38 PM on February 27, 2018 [4 favorites]

I forgot to add, is there any precedent that cannonballs would cause that much damage to the Waverider? I mean they should be the equivalent of asteroids or space debris, and I'm sure the Waverider has survived those with less damage?
posted by sardonyx at 8:54 PM on February 27, 2018

Yeah I was wondering about that too. And either those cannonballs are explosive upon impact or the Waverider is terribly built and if you hit any part of it hard enough a thing explodes. I was griping about that whole scene.

Since the Supers are technically in another dimension/universe, so is Kryptonite. So green stone on Earth... 1(?) is totem stuff, and green stone on Earth Shoehorn is Kryptonite.
posted by numaner at 10:40 PM on February 28, 2018

You're absolutely right about the Kryptonite not making sense on this earth and logically I know that, but that association of green glowing rock and DC characters is pretty much ingrained in me at this point that I can't not consider it.
posted by sardonyx at 6:43 PM on March 1, 2018

Zari was wrong, her hair looked great wavy. And I liked Amaya's straight look for a change too. Mind you, the less said about the pirate wigs the better. (The cursed wigs of the Arrowverse strike again.)

I almost hit post before saying something about Wally and Rip. So far this show has done more to give Wally a personality than Flash ever did, and it seems it has also brought about some self-awareness for Rip, so well done.

Seconded. "Careless Whisper" was a delight.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:46 PM on March 3, 2018

OF COURSE Damien Dahrk has beautiful handwriting.

And nthing the amazingness of the “Careless Whisper” karaoke. Suddenly both Wally and Rip were fun instead of bland and/or insufferable.
posted by dayintoday at 4:00 PM on March 5, 2018 [1 favorite]

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