Halloween (2018) (2018)
October 28, 2018 8:39 AM - Subscribe

Laurie Strode comes to her final confrontation with Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago.
posted by guiseroom (6 comments total)
"It's not a cage, baby. It's a trap."
posted by DirtyOldTown at 1:05 PM on October 28, 2018 [3 favorites]

This was effective and fun and, next to the original, is likely the best film in the franchise. It has some actual things to say about trauma and survival and it gives Jamie Lee Curtis the chance to kick ass.

Some things I liked:
-The kids trick-or-treating in the neighborhood wearing the Halloween III: Season of the Witch masks.
-Vicky's rant about how the only sane way to overcome the trauma the Strodes have gone through would be to pretend that Halloween didn't even exist and just go straight to Christmas season in mid-October... followed by Karen wearing a Christmas sweater in October.
-I liked that they never really give you a clear, extended look at Michael Myers' face, because it seems like that would have robbed The Shape of his power to some extent.
-I liked when Laurie actually referred to The Shape.
-I liked that the Loomis stand-in turned out to be a wackjob with his own agenda, instead of just being Loomis Part Two, Because Donald Pleasance Is Dead.

Also note the Myers-ian breathing over the last few seconds of the credits.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 6:40 AM on October 29, 2018 [6 favorites]

About 20 minutes into this I found myself thinking, If Michael never breaks out and this is just an examination of Laurie's PTSD 40 years later and how it affects her family, I like Judy Greer and Toby Huss and the granddaughter enough I'd actually be pretty much okay with that. Then it becomes a pretty good slasher movie! Bonus.

I had an emotional reaction that I wasn't expecting just at seeing "Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie" in the opening credits in the original font.

And I wanted to cheer for Judy Greer's "Gotcha" line...That build up/payoff played me like a fiddle.
posted by doctornecessiter at 11:08 AM on October 30, 2018

About 20 minutes into this I found myself thinking, If Michael never breaks out and this is just an examination of Laurie's PTSD 40 years later and how it affects her family, I like Judy Greer and Toby Huss and the granddaughter enough I'd actually be pretty much okay with that.

Totally! I have to admit, when she said "What bus?" I was like "Damn Karen, watch the news sometimes." It seems like the transfer of the town's famous serial killer either from or to an apparently very nearby facility would at least get a mention in the chyrons, ya know? But now I'm digesting, I can see that her avoidance of that sort of news would be in keeping with her general approach to her childhood.

And yes to the gotcha - I was waiting for most of the movie for her bad-ass training to kick in, and she STILL got me.

I know it was a super obvious thing to do, but Laurie disappearing from the lawn? Perfect. That said, for all her decades of prep, including the super awesome rolling security doors to eliminate rooms she's already searched, her house still seemed to have plenty of closets and blind hallways to hide/skulk in, why wouldn't she have taken care of that? And an unlit room with a bunch of creepy mannequins, to create confusing silhouettes, that just seems a little...like an egregiously awfully a bad idea?

That's nitpicking though, I thought this was a great movie.
posted by solotoro at 3:45 PM on October 31, 2018 [3 favorites]

About 20 minutes into this I found myself thinking, If Michael never breaks out and this is just an examination of Laurie's PTSD 40 years later and how it affects her family, I like Judy Greer and Toby Huss and the granddaughter enough I'd actually be pretty much okay with that.

I was getting some strong Krisha vibes at the start and was ready to start yelling at the screen. That quickly turned to cowering though, as I hoped.
posted by iamkimiam at 12:00 AM on January 24, 2021

My partner and I watched this last night. It's his favorite entry in the series, my 2nd-favorite (after the first). I loved the treatment of the characters and the exploration of trauma; my only complaint was that after 40 years of waiting for a serial killer my house would have looked like Home Alone on steroids, and the final confrontation with the killer would have taken about 30 seconds.

But, yeah. A very strong entry in the series. An excellent, genuinely delightful, return to form. This would have been a fine place to end it.
posted by johnofjack at 9:10 AM on January 4

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