Fringe: Olivia. In the Lab. With the Revolver.   Rewatch 
November 24, 2014 11:53 AM - Season 2, Episode 16 - Subscribe

A sick man approaches a lawyer, with a story about being a kid used in experimental trials. He's looking for other kids, to trace the origins of his illness. Olivia seeks advice from everyone's favorite bowling-lane proprietor, about the uneasiness she feels for keeping a secret. Walter, a skiing enthusiast, meets an admirer, and Peter expresses his enthusiasm for his job. Astrid reminds Walter that lab safety and food safety are paramount. And Olivia finally gets a Clue.

Peter, Olivia, Miranda, Lloyd and Alex/James are all wearing layers of black and gray. Sam notices, and calls Olivia a 'soldier' in a uniform.
Peter's peacoat is pretty great, I have one just like it.

"The Cortexiphan Kids" sounds like a band name. "William Bell" or "Walter Bishop" and the? Or maybe 'Olivia and the.'

I hadn't realized how great Blair Brown is as Nina Sharp. She, Walter and William must have been a very formidable team.
posted by the man of twists and turns (4 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
What IS up with the bowling lane operator? Deep cover Illuminati psych-corp-commando? Alien from yet another time thread where they're super smart but nice. Meat interface for Massive Dynamic's private Singularity? Or just some dude?
posted by sammyo at 2:00 PM on November 24, 2014

I love Sam Weiss.

I think both Blair Brown and Anna Torv were underrated during the original run of the show. I think being able binge watch gives a clearer picture of how much acting had to take place.

If you're in a Fringe episode it's probably just best to avoid coffee/tea places.
posted by fluffy battle kitten at 2:17 PM on November 24, 2014

I realize that this is clearly marked as a rewatch thread, and I actually came in to discuss Sam with that in mind, but I'm going to hold off. sammyo, if this is a first watch for you (or anyone else), be aware that knowing the answer to that question would be one of the very biggest spoilers possible.
posted by gimli at 5:57 AM on November 25, 2014

Hmmm. Watching the beginning of this episode while eating paella might not have been the best idea. Just as well we weren't eating pizza.

Olivia "just knows" these names. Has she considered that maybe it was John Scott who knew them? Or has she processed through all that now?

Walter's emotion in being told that the killer is targeting cortexifan kids is great: anxiety, with suppressed guilt lurking just beneath the surface.

I love the crazy TV logic which sees the team lifting a fingerprint off the patterns in the arm. It's such a total mash up of obvious crime show cliches, yet the episode manages to make it seem like the obvious and sensible thing to do.
posted by Sonny Jim at 1:07 PM on April 18, 2015

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