The Morning Show: Kill the Fatted Calf
October 9, 2021 7:31 AM - Season 2, Episode 4 - Subscribe

A potential tabloid leak creates moral complications. A debate-moderator role becomes hotly contested.
posted by ellieBOA (6 comments total)
I really liked the first season and this one is still floundering after the great opening episode. But I am here for Bradley and her baby gay crisis (the Autostraddle review is so good!).

But oh can they not have written Steve Carell out. I am not interested in his Italian navel gazing trip beyond can he get sick and die alone and unmourned, thank you. And I do not want Cory to be just in love with Bradley - we already have Chip and his silent adoration. Can he not be just a very driven, very weird man surprised by his friendship with someone who doesn’t give a shit about his money or power but likes him?
posted by dorothyisunderwood at 6:17 PM on October 9, 2021 [1 favorite]

I'm actually enjoying the Steve Carrell segments the most so far. I don't like Bradley at all, and I find Reese Witherspoon's overacting offputting. Jennifer Aniston, on the other hand, is pitch-perfect in her faux-sincerity as Alex.
posted by essexjan at 10:26 AM on October 10, 2021 [1 favorite]

I'm glad that Bradley didn't try to leverage her sexual preferences to get the moderator job, especially since she doesn't actually identify as bi or queer. I also think it's messed up that Laura is pressuring Bradley to come out (to her boss of all people), calling her repressed, slut shaming her for a threesome... What's with all the judgement? I don't see how Bradley's sexual identity is even any of Laura's business.

I also hope they don't make it some big thing where Bradley is tormented by her sexual identity. Hopefully she was crying when she left Laura's apartment because she was full of New Relationship Energy, and when that possible relationship suddenly crashed and burned in like 10 minutes, she was heartbroken. Bradley is like 45 years old and has a pretty solid identity and personality -- more than most -- and her sexual identity is apparently not a huge part of that. Why would a hookup or even a crush change that? Seems a bit overdone.

I did find it interesting that Bradley was so clinical in how she recounted her "make up" conversation with Cory. I mean, I get that she's not interested in dating him or whatever, but the man just stood there with big eyes saying he'll be on her side forever, no matter what. That's pretty touching, or at least interesting, but she just brushed it off. Did she not believe him?

Honestly, I believe he's devoted to her. He's told her since literally Day 1 that she reminds him of his mom, and he's obsessed with his mom. I think his side of the dynamic is basically him just repeating his relationship with his mom with Bradley -- taking care of her, all that. That said, he seems pretty self-aware so I assume he'll keep it in check.

Also interesting that Laura gave Bradley similar advice to suck it up and make nice with Cory as Cory gave to Stella about Alex. I kinda assumed that Stella was blowing smoke with Alex, but who knows. Maybe Cory yelling at Stella about Alex being "multi generational" talent or whatever actually did get Stella in a different frame of mind. Alex certainly ate up the flattery!

I'm kinda interested in the Mitch storyline in that I think it's interesting in theory... but I just don't like Mitch and this Italian woman is being so aggressive about basically seducing him. The whole thing feels weird. Is it supposed to feel romantic? Because she seems like a creeper. But I'm interested to see an Italian Covid lockdown story, and I did like how Mitch reacted so strongly to her kissing him and how she backed off right away. That was interesting.

My favorite story right now is Mia, especially trying to navigate being the new EP and Daniel expecting her to fight for him, while the network AND the news is blowing up with crisis after crisis. I like that she's just trying to get through every day. It'll be interesting to see how she handles trying to put on the show during lockdown!

I'm kind of sick of the soapy stuff and ready for lockdown to happen, though! It all feels so long ago, but I'm wondering what it'll be like to watch a fictional news show cover all this enormous real news.

It'll be interesting to see how everyone's normal lives just STOP in a single day -- and suddenly they're thrown in together in a totally different way and have to do their jobs in a totally new way. One of the more interesting parts of the early pandemic was how suddenly there was this new intimacy, with everyone on TV broadcasting from their homes and all that.

I preemptively feel bad for Yanko when it comes to that -- he seems like the most isolated character, very lonely and out of touch.
posted by nowadays at 12:26 AM on October 11, 2021 [1 favorite]

I'm loving this spirit animal subplot. When Yanko used that phrase last episode I thought it was a bit out of place but now with the payoff it makes sense. It's also nice to see a bit of fun at the expense of the guy who doesn't get it, because that shows the writers aren't that guy.
posted by Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug at 9:15 PM on October 12, 2021 [1 favorite]

This is probably a symptom of the gap between season 1 and 2, but the Chip subplot is a little confusing for me. Can someone Coles Notes me on what his sh#thead level is? It seems like we (the audience) is supposed to be rooting for him and his return from exile? The Morning Show staff seem pretty split on whether he got a raw deal or got what he deserved when he got fired. Also, I guess it's implied he left lovely fiancé Katie Aselton because he can't quit Alex? Any help appreciated!
posted by joelhunt at 5:56 AM on October 13, 2021 [1 favorite]

Chip was Frank’s fall guy for the show’s misogynistic culture under Frank/Mitch/Etc. He didn’t actually seem to do anything inappropriate himself, but he was EP all those years while that mess was going on. So he’s a tool of white supremacy/patriarchy and creates a newsroom that enforces that — even though he’s not an especially terrible person as an individual.

I think the main thing about him coming back is it seems like that’s going to get Mia pushed out. I think a lot of the crew are both seeing it as a return to the bad old days and incredibly unfair to Mia.

I don’t think there’s an implication that he left his fiancé? But maybe I just missed it.
posted by rue72 at 8:09 AM on October 13, 2021

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