Uncharted (2022)
February 19, 2022 2:01 PM - Subscribe

A young street-smart, Nathan Drake and his wisecracking partner Victor "Sully" Sullivan embark on a dangerous pursuit of "the greatest treasure never found" while also tracking clues that may lead to Nathan's long-lost brother.
posted by Anonymous (10 comments total)
This is better than it has any right to be. I went in with low expectations and they were somewhat exceeded. In particular Tom Holland makes a fairly convincing young Nathan Drake, once you accept this is effectively an origin story rather than a direct analogue to any of the games.

Lots of travel porn, some well shot fight and chase scenes and a slightly daft finale. I was very glad there was a minimum of unwatchable shakycam - I was able to follow every punch and leap, which is incredibly rare these days for silly CGI-laden action flicks.

I give it a solid B+.
posted by Happy Dave at 1:08 PM on February 20, 2022 [1 favorite]

I'll watch this, tho I hate the casting of Marky Mark for Sully.
posted by fleacircus at 5:41 PM on February 20, 2022 [2 favorites]

The movie really leaned into Holland's agility, which you don't necessarily expect in a Hollywood film from a guy who looks like him.

Well, he is Spider-Man.

When I saw the trailer for this I had a really hard time seeing Holland in a non-MCU role. Then I wondered what people who had primarily known Harrison Ford from Star Wars thought when the first Indiana Jones movie came out.
posted by AndrewInDC at 7:27 AM on February 21, 2022 [3 favorites]

Then I wondered what people who had primarily known Harrison Ford from Star Wars thought when the first Indiana Jones movie came out.

We thought We want more Han Solo! And then we thought This Is Even Better!

(I was 11 when I first saw Star Wars. I was 15 when I saw Raiders.
posted by valkane at 11:04 AM on February 21, 2022 [4 favorites]

I am definitely glad they leaned into his dexterity and agility, the juggling and pickpocket tricks were a nice addition to a nimble rogue type character, and we see how he begins to multiclass into more of a gunslinger-brawler type.

Mark Wahlberg both seemed miscast and oddly there were many scenes where he’s talking to Drake but they’re not in the same room together. I understand that’s how the game often works, but having Sully be the voice in the ear a lot almost makes it seem like an easy way for Wahlberg to “just” voice act.
posted by Apocryphon at 12:53 PM on February 21, 2022

casting of Marky Mark for Sully

If it is any consolation Holland replaced Wahlberg as Drake.
posted by M Edward at 10:15 AM on February 22, 2022

Horrifying. Hillarious that Nolan North objected, too.
posted by fleacircus at 10:16 PM on February 22, 2022

Just saw this in an imax matinee and it was a thoroughly diverting few hours. I was very entertained, despite generally hating centuries-past treasure hunts, cartoon physics, and characters who can’t think/act strategically.

There were some good gags, some funny dialog, and silly, cartoony action.

High quality junk food. I will definitely watch the next one.
posted by itesser at 4:18 PM on February 26, 2022 [1 favorite]

It was an entertaining adventure film. Saw it over the weekend with my family and at the end they were wondering if a sequel was out yet. I still can't convince my kids to watch the first 2 Indiana Jones films though.
posted by any portmanteau in a storm at 1:50 PM on December 29, 2022

Entertaining but with zero new ideas. If you've ever seen an action or adventure movie, you've already seen all the gags and stunts that "Uncharted" will be using. The only interesting performance is by Tati Gabrielle who gives good villain. She's not doing anything new, but she's having a lot of fun with it.
posted by riotnrrd at 10:12 AM on December 24, 2023

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