What If...?: What If...Strange Supreme Intervened?
December 30, 2023 7:13 AM - Season 2, Episode 9 - Subscribe

Continued from here and here. Strange: "There is something I need your help with....Actually, it's a bit embarrassing, to be honest." Peggy: "Collect enough dangerous well, anything, and something always escapes." It's the episode where everything combines!

Captain Carter: "A warrior out of her own time. But, she's used to that."
"I'd call a taxi, but I left my purse in the other dimension."

"Right, so you're here to narrate."
"It's my job."

Peggy gives Watcher crap for just watching and not getting involved. Good job, Peggy.

"He's gathering righteous heroes...and feeding everyone to the forge! He's trying to resurrect his universe!"

"I started a prison riot of universe keepers. Not my best idea." LOL.

"Zombies are pretty universal."

"He recreated this universe, but was never born into it. And never will be." WOW.
posted by jenfullmoon (11 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
So. Many. Background. Easter Eggs.

So, many.
posted by Faintdreams at 1:01 PM on December 30, 2023 [1 favorite]

It ends in a big damn battle, the way that these superhero things almost inevitably do (unless, as with She-Hulk, it's deliberately averted), but it was still a great ending, in no small part because the big battle had a lot of alternates that hadn't been in the series already, in the manner of Across the Spider-Verse that made me want to go through it frame by frame. The ending also made me wonder if Strange Supreme had been influenced by the Beast-Strange, if somehow the latter had prevented Stephen from saving Christine in order to drive him to darker and deeper depths. I'm also happy that Captain Carter had decided to go on a tour of the multiverse with the Watcher instead of just being all STEVE STEVE STEVE all the time.
posted by Halloween Jack at 1:05 PM on December 30, 2023 [2 favorites]

She's just afraid that if she goes back to her home universe and roadtrips with Widow eventually they'll stay in a hotel room with one bed and fanfic rules will kick in.

It took me some time to figure out the green weapon Peggy was using in the final battle. I felt like it should have been Excalibur but we've had no setup at all for that. I finally decided it was a Gugnir (Odin's spear thingy). I hope we see more of Kathori elsewhere; she has a sense of fun about her that balances out the dark moments.
posted by Karmakaze at 1:27 PM on December 30, 2023 [3 favorites]

Oh, and: the very last scene ties in with another recent MCU thing.
posted by Halloween Jack at 8:56 PM on December 30, 2023 [2 favorites]

I enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to watching a YouTube video breakdown of all the background references.
posted by Fleebnork at 5:20 AM on December 31, 2023 [1 favorite]

Fleebnork: As you wish.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 5:10 PM on December 31, 2023 [4 favorites]

It took me some time to figure out the green weapon Peggy was using in the final battle. I felt like it should have been Excalibur but we've had no setup at all for that. I finally decided it was a Gugnir (Odin's spear thingy). I hope we see more of Kathori elsewhere; she has a sense of fun about her that balances out the dark moments.

Nah, she had Gugnir as well later on, being used as a thrown weapon - I'm pretty sure the green meanie _was_ 1602 King Thor's Vibranium Excalibur-alike that she was defending against in the prior episode. I think.

My wife was getting tired of Peggy and Steve by the end of this season. I'm not sure I blame her? I mean, I like Hayley Atwell well enough, but ecch. I mean yeah yeah ok it was a counterpoint to Strange and Christine, sure, but The Love That Shall Not Be got repetitive eventually.

I thought the quality of the animation was a lot better this season than last season, although I don't know that I could point out specific things. Bad lip sync last season? Flatter features, so there was little to no highlight and shadow? I dunno. This season felt a lot better done, technically.
posted by Kyol at 6:16 PM on January 1, 2024

Great season!

Marvel Just Quietly Rewrote MCU History For The Better [Inverse]
posted by ellieBOA at 1:12 PM on January 2, 2024 [3 favorites]

Oh gosh, I’m just in love with Kahorri. I want to see her in all the things.

I still feel like this series doesn’t really live up to its premise but this year was a little more fun than last year’s. And the animation still bugs the crap out of me. But I’m always happy to see Peggy and my Buck-Buck, and now I have a new fave, so that’s something.
posted by kitten kaboodle at 5:20 PM on January 2, 2024 [1 favorite]

I was a bit worried when Strange and Kahhori started shooting energy beams at each other.

Then a lot of people got to be in, basically, a roller coaster:
* "aaaah! we're falling to our dooms!"
* "ooh, we're rising up!"
* "aaaah!"
* (repeat)
This made me laugh.
posted by Pronoiac at 1:23 AM on March 14, 2024

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