Cobra Kai: Part I of the Final Season
July 20, 2024 10:37 AM - Season 6 (Full Season) - Subscribe

The Miyagi Do students struggle to put aside past rivalries while training for the Sekai Taikai.
posted by porpoise (4 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Mary Mouser (Samantha LaRusso) is 28 irl.
posted by porpoise at 11:05 AM on July 20

It's Degrassi with kicks and Nintendo metal. I support that.
posted by downtohisturtles at 9:40 PM on July 20

Binge-watched today after having a headache for a few days so not being able to get to it on the day it came out as planned. Loved it - this is definitely one of my favourite series of recent years - but really wish we didn't have to wait for the other 10 episodes! Still, super-enjoyable, as always, and while the final moments were super-predictable they set things up well for the tournament.
posted by eternalhedgehog at 5:08 PM on July 21 [1 favorite]

The five (?) episodes were got were pretty much classic Cobra Kai and with a significant less amount of "teen" drama. Having Miguel and Robby constantly going at, and Sam and Tory, and so on, was tiring over the long run, so I'm glad that their rivalries were for the most part finished for the final season. THAT SAID, Johnny's attempts to get Tori and Sam to hate each other again was both horrifying and hilarious. I'm glad they rose above it.

Kenny. I really want to root for Kenny. I'm hoping that he gets to end up going to the Sekai Taikai in our next installment of the last season. I am also 100% perplexed and will have to go back and watch to see when Kenny showed up at Miyagido after his brother had a heart to heart with him. I totally missed that.

Is it me (wishfully thinking?) or does it feel like they want to setup some prequel series about Miyagi-san as a young man? I'm almost positive I'm just wanting to believe that.

Johnny moving on from his Cobra Kai and Eagle Fang roots is great. I'm not sure how much uneasiness I need between him and Daniel, but we'll see. Chozen is just a gift in every scene. The guy just steals it all. "Look, I rearranged your snack platter so it looks full!"

I think what I continue to like about this show, Kreese aside, is that it is 100% about folks turning it around and trying and becoming better versions of themselves.
posted by Atreides at 6:35 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

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