Evil: Fear of the Other
August 15, 2024 5:10 AM - Season 4, Episode 12 - Subscribe

A priest, a skeptic, and a psychiatrist (who is also a skeptic) walk into an utterly bonkers TV show. And this TV show asks: What do you think your doppelganger would be like?

TWO EPISODES LEFT AFTER THIS ONE, Y'ALL. Shoutout to miss-lapin for nudging my lazy ass to get this thread up. Most of the time, my executives are dysfunctioning!

*The Holy Three come to their final assessment, courtesy of Sister Andrea: the son of her long ago love is being tormented by his doppelganger

*Credit where credit is due: Shepherd, much like his John Carroll Lynch observation of last week, you simply don't just have Richard Kind as an ordinary judge. (I thought maybe the Kings knew him and he said sure why not I will pop for an episode or two)

*I love that our Holy Three, at nearly two am in the morning, are in an adjacent hotel room just drinking, like, they drink pretty much every episode and I am like don't you need all your faculties to deal with creepy shit

*Sister Andrea's past guilt concerning choosing God over a man who loved her gets fleshed out more. But she gets there in the end: you can't blame yourself for the actions of a dead person

*Seriously though, that whole scene with her and David in the confessional was so good.

*I loved it when Kristen was on the stand and just produced folder after folder of Leland's bullshit. Like, she didn't break eye contact with him the entire time. Bitch brought the receipts!

*But it does no good as we say goodbye to Leslie, the Demon Baby's surrogate. She decides to flip on Leland, but Judge Richard Kind sighs and lops her head off in his chambers. Speaking of which....

*Did no one in the court ask where Leslie went once the judge went back? Like, he acted as though she never showed up full stop and yet, he clearly asked to talk to her in his chambers IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE COURT. Also, I guess the judge doesn't skip Arm Day as that was an effortless decapitation

*The parish church is being closed down and given over to CongoRun, the Evil universe's equivalent to Amazon. Truly, the end of an era.

*Paul, our homie being tormented by his doppelganger, makes a conciliatory phone call to his wife, only to find that uh, somehow evil doppelganger called first and basically said you should kill our children. Do we ever get a clear idea of the evil doppelganger? Not really, but this is Evil.

*I love that this universe has the weirdest ideas of What the Internet is Like. Much like the weird "talk to the AI dead" website a few eps ago, apparently you can also just click on a site, upload your photo (privacy issues, Evil!) and it will take you to your doppelganger matches

*Ben's doppelganger is a family man with children; David's is the hunkiest MMA type guy; Kristen's is a hippie-ish singer in Belgium (glad to see Katja Herbers get to speak her native language)

*Does anyone else think that the job offers Ben is getting sound too good to be true?

*I love that Kristen's kids are like, "If we are broke, Mom should start an OnlyFans account!"

*Yes, Andy screwed Kristen out of the money from Tim Matheson. Andy, buddy, you better stay missing!

*Boggs turns against Leland on the stand. Everyone, say goodbye to Dr. Boggs before the end of the series.

*Ben Shakir does not Go Through It, but I am concerned about the weird-ass djinn storyline ever being wrapped up.

*Uh..so did Paul's wife take him back? I mean, the therapy sess--I mean, exorcism--was successful..
posted by Kitteh (7 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Also --- "I heard there was a secret chord; that David played and could see the Lord; but you don't really care for plotlines, do ya?"
posted by Kitteh at 5:14 AM on August 15 [5 favorites]

I don't know if I'm just forgetting things, but was Sister Andrea's doppelganger from the last episode ever resolved? I was vaguely wondering through this ep if we were seeing Sister Andrea or Sinister Andrea.

And are we really just dropping Fake Future Laura like it's hot? She was Andy's mental hospital paramour, right? And pumped Andy (tee hee) for secrets so she could roll up in the Fake Future Laura guise? But was she working for Evil? Or just a completely ancillary nutty person being nutty for their own reasons? If she was working for Evil, does that slightly let Andy off the hook, as Evil already had tentacles in his weak brain? Why did Andy sell so cheap? I understand plotwise why we want to tie that off, but that seems dumb (as compared to the billionaire just ghosting them or lawyering out of giving Kirsten any money).
posted by Shepherd at 5:21 AM on August 15 [1 favorite]

Honestly I am surprised the money was given at all; I fully expected that money to go "poof!" once Andy went to the psychiatric facility.
posted by Kitteh at 5:39 AM on August 15

Shepherd and I have often remarked that the way Evil looks at How Technology Works is some senior-level type paranoia. This is where the show still reveals its CBS roots.
posted by Kitteh at 7:03 AM on August 15 [2 favorites]

I think Not Future Laura was just a random insane person who became fixated on Andy and evolved this delusion she has to kill the baby because of their affair. She definitely doesn't work for Evil because why would they want her to kill the antichrist (as Leland and others seem convinced he still can be). It's more likely that Andy complained about the baby and so she got it into her head to "fix" the problem for Andy with this whackadoodle plan.

In terms for selling so cheap, I suspect what Andy wanted was enough of a pay out that he could just disappear. Taking 80 thousand makes it not enough to bother with tracking him down to get her half as opposed to 800,000 which would definitely light a fire under Kristen's ass. Either that or he really has mentally disintegrated from all of this.
posted by miss-lapin at 8:45 AM on August 15 [1 favorite]

*I love that this universe has the weirdest ideas of What the Internet is Like. Much like the weird "talk to the AI dead" website a few eps ago, apparently you can also just click on a site, upload your photo (privacy issues, Evil!) and it will take you to your doppelganger matches

Um...does it? Really?

The Kings' shows all share pretty much the same internet full of things that are ripped from the headlines and then taken up a few notches of ridiculousness for dramatic and humorous effect. But the Internet is weird and full of shady services that promise way more than they deliver. (I mean, they probably don't deliver Evil, though, so that's something?)
posted by Pryde at 6:43 PM on August 15 [2 favorites]

Yeah, I was sort of saying to my spouse that I'd love to see what other not-me pictures the facebook AI thinks are me, just to see how close the system is, or if it would reveal deeply alien mechanisms for identifying faces. Like, would people go "yeah, that's Kyol" or would they go "the fuh?"

(I mean I assume facebook and most of the other ones generally work as well as they do because their potential set of matching names is limited to your friends list and not the whole world? But c'mon, NCIS this bitch up, show me every picture that the system thinks is a common set.)
posted by Kyol at 8:55 AM on August 16 [1 favorite]

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