Aberrance (2022)
September 9, 2024 3:12 PM - Subscribe

[TRAILER] When Erkhmee and Selenge arrive at an old cabin deep in the Mongolian woods, a foreboding settles over the couple. Erkhmee's seemingly keen desire to provide a safe and nurturing space for his wife is at odds with his violent actions and mannerisms. The first globally distributed Mongolian horror film.

Starring Selenge Chadraabal, Yalalt Namsrai, Ariunbyamba Sukhee.

Directed by Baatar Batsukh. Written by Baatar Batsukh, Erdene Orosoo, Byambasuren Ganbat. Cinematography by Baatar Batsukh.

82% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.

Currently streaming in the US on Hoopla. JustWatch listing.
posted by DirtyOldTown (1 comment total)
As the first Mongolian horror movie I've ever even heard about. I would really like to recommend this, but the script is just not there. The director is assured and has a real style, particularly in the inventive camera work. (There is a tense dinner party scene where a semi-drunken neighbor intrudes to accuse the husband of abuse; during the scene the camera is mounted on his back, looking where he looks, wobbling when he wobbles; it's great). But even aside from the haha I'm clever twist of the husband actually not being who we think he is, the plotline with the doctors, and the conspiracy twist at the end are uncompelling and unclear.

Maybe, you might think, it's a cultural thing and it's not hack American type stuff, it's just Mongolian and--

Closing title card: FOR DARREN ARONOFSKY.

I'd see this director's next movie in a hot minute, but only if he didn't write it.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 3:17 PM on September 9, 2024 [1 favorite]

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