Murder, She Wrote: Murder in a Minor Key   Rewatch 
March 7, 2015 6:53 PM - Season 3, Episode 14 - Subscribe

In a first for Murder She Wrote, Jessica breaks the fourth wall and tells you, the viewer, about her new story, Murder in a Minor Key. As Jess tells it, "It's a neat little puzzle involving some young students at a Southern California university." The main trio are Mike Prentice a bright, budding music composer, a young law student from the Deep South, Chad Singer, and a rather quirky young lady from New York named Jenny Coopersmith. There are enough people who don't like Prof. Tyler Stoneham, but it's Mike who is the suspect in a murder case, and it's up to his friends, Chad and Jenny, to set the record straight and save Mike.
posted by filthy light thief (4 comments total)
I love the idea that Jessica swans around her cottage in marabou slippers.
posted by mochapickle at 7:21 PM on March 7, 2015

Was this episode a backdoor pilot for a"Chad and Jenny Mysteries" show?
posted by infinitewindow at 9:57 AM on March 8, 2015

I love the idea that Jessica swans around her cottage in marabou slippers.

I don't know if your wordplay was intentional or not. I didn't know that the slippers had that name, so the thing that "marabou" brought to mind were the large African storks, whose downy feathers are used for trimming of various items of clothing and hats, as well as fishing lures (according to Wikipedia). I'm guessing shoes could also be trimmed with the down, like this type of shoes.

Was this episode a backdoor pilot for a "Chad and Jenny Mysteries" show?

Sadly, no. The only spin-off from MSW was the short-lived The Law & Harry McGraw. This was the first of a number of episodes where JB introduces a story of hers or from a friend. This "bookend" format becomes more common starting in the sixth season, according to the Wikipedia list of MSW episodes.
posted by filthy light thief at 9:27 AM on March 9, 2015

I didn't realize that they did any bookend episodes this early (before Angela Lansbury had it in her contract), so this came as a surprise when it started. I do love the idea that Jessica writes books with protagonists where college kids in love play private detective and look like Dinah Manoff and Shaun Cassidy (so dreamy).

There's also a book that was published by "Jessica Fletcher and Donald Bain" called Murder in a Minor Key but it appears to be a different plot.
posted by MCMikeNamara at 9:26 AM on March 10, 2015

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