Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
May 2, 2016 8:30 PM - Subscribe

It is hard to believe, but the next Friday the 13th is right around the corner and that means the fourth edition of the Friday the 13th movie club is ready to go.

Unfortunately it appears that the movie isn't available for streaming anywhere legitimate, but certainly you can pop down to your local West Coast Video and grab a copy. At any rate, discussion will be posted next Friday, May 13th.

In case you missed it, here are the discussions for the first three movies:
Part I (Feb 13, 2015)
Part II (March 13, 2015)
Part III (Nov 13, 2015)

Also, don't let the name fool you, this is hardly the final chapter. If you want to watch ahead, the next movie, A New Beginning, will be posted on January 13, 2017 and Jason Lives will follow on October 13, 2017. Mark your calendars.
posted by Literaryhero
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