Hello, My Twenties / Age of Youth
January 2, 2017 3:04 PM - Subscribe

I'm just wondering if anybody has seen this Korean drama. I found this by accident on Netflix. I was just looking for a simple Korean show (as a study aid for learning Korean) and the user ratings for this jumped out at me. I raised my eyebrows in doubt (I'm not a k-drama guy) and read some of the reviews. A lot of raters said they figured "meh, why not", and ended up binging. I was skepticaI, but curious, and thought that it's going to be the standard k-pop-ish k-drama ... you know, girls swooning/fighting over boys with loads of additional saccharine on top. Welp, I was wrong, wrong, wrong. Next thing I know I've binged all 12 episodes.

At its root, this is a "slice of life" type of drama about 5 college roommates (all female). I found it interesting that
* This series would fail the anti-bechdel test. I can only think of a single scene that involves two males talking to each other about something other than females.
* There is a scene with a guy wanting to be the white-knight and save one of the leads and ... well, I don't want to spoil it.
* Each character has their strength and insecurities depicted in a realistic and relatable way. As one character put it (paraphrasing): There are secrets you can tell in confidence, and then there are those secrets you can never share because no one would ever understand.

The show does have some flaws, but the feels of it seemed to overcome them.

Anyway, the main question is has anyone else seen this drama and had any thoughts of whether it's worth discussing on the main page?
posted by forforf (2 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Sounds interesting - I've added it to my Netflix queue.

I'm of the "if you build it, they will come" philosophy for Fanfare posts. Fanfare Talk doesn't get a lot of eyeballs, but if you make a pilot-episode thread the art will be visible on the 'recently added shows' sidebar.

With streaming shows, I think it's best to test the waters with a pilot thread, since full-season threads aren't much use for trying to launch in-depth discussion of a new show, what with spoilers. With a pilot thread you can find out if anyone else watched it already/starts watching because of the post, and then discuss whether it's worth doing individual episode threads for the rest of the season or just a full-season thread for people to add to their activity once they've finished the binge.
posted by oh yeah! at 5:34 PM on January 3, 2017

I agree with oh yeah! - FF Talk is good for organizing on-going efforts (movie and book clubs, seasonal Anime lists, things like that), but for a single movie or series, just post it. If it's a larger/longer series or series of series, I think you can evaluate over-all interest with a pilot post and see who says what, and then post FF Talk to work on a schedule for the rest.
posted by filthy light thief at 9:47 AM on January 18, 2017

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