Supergirl: The Martian Chronicles
February 7, 2017 6:47 AM - Season 2, Episode 11 - Subscribe

Armek arrives in National City intent on taking M'gann back to Mars to face her punishment as a traitor.
posted by oh yeah! (5 comments total)
I hope we see more of Miss Martian! Although that name drop seemed really out of place (but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that it was used back in that Alien Fight Club episode).

So much emotions and adulting! The Danvers are like the people you want all the other shows' characters' to behave like. No unnecessary drama from burying your feelings and lying all the damn time.
posted by numaner at 8:15 AM on February 7, 2017

Another frustratingly mixed bag. We finally, FINALLY, get a scene with Alex & Kara having a junk-food-at-Kara's+sister-talk scene, but it turns into a Mon-El conversation. We get a good M'gann episode, only to have her written off the show for the foreseeable future.

Nice to see Vasquez again, and the contrast of White Martian Winn with comedy Winn was fun, but I'm nervous about what the writers are going to do with Kara/Mon-El for Valentines Day.
posted by oh yeah! at 8:29 AM on February 7, 2017 [1 favorite]

If you had 15 minutes to find a White Martian before a nuclear powered reactor blew up would you stop in the hallway for a heart to heart? I mean -- there is no relationship on TV that I adore more than Alex and Kara, but even I thought -- "Girls, this ain't the best use of our time right now. CHOP CHOP find that alien!" Then they went and did the same thing with M'Gann and J'onn!! Don't tell me you have a pressing deadline and then let everybody stop for an extended check in on their feeeeeelings. GrrrrrArrrggghhhhhh

Another nitpic -- some random DEO dude appears in the "control room" after the White Martians have been defeated. Where did he all of a sudden come from? He doesn't say anything, he appears over Winn's shoulder while Kara is giving him her OK to go play with Vigilante Boy. But since it was integral to the plot that the DEO was locked down with only 7 people, to see this other face pop up was really bizarre.

If you're not following Vasquez on twitter/instagram you are missing the totally believable, completely unofficial (so far) subplot of Vasquez' crush on Alex! It's perfection.
posted by pjsky at 2:17 PM on February 7, 2017 [1 favorite]

The Den of Geek review wrote "I think this marked the most explicit they've gone with J'onn's fear of fire, right? It's more than just a comic book "weakness" like Kryptonite, it goes much deeper, and it was well played."

I'd forgotten that J'onn's reaction to the flame test confused me at the time -- did we know that already then? Is it because of how his people were killed on Mars?

Oh, also from Den of Geek - this interview with the production designer of Supergirl and The Flash, I believe reveals who is to blame for all the toilet-less glass prisons:
Harron said that Kara's Loft is exactly the same [in Vancouver], save for the exclusion of a bathroom. "I don’t put bathrooms in sets," Harron said. "I believe in the Star Trek method."
posted by oh yeah! at 3:58 PM on February 7, 2017

The dialogue (writing, not acting) on this show is not the best. It's almost unbearable. I have the impression that the writers either don't have enough time or freedom to do what they ought.
posted by amtho at 7:55 PM on February 7, 2017

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