4 posts tagged with creepydukat and pahwraiths.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: When It Rains...  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 21

...it pours... plot twists. The Klingons hold the key to victory over the Dominion, and a canny and judicious leader could use that to hold them at bay until the entire Alliance was ready to join them; unfortunately, the Empire has Gowron. Kira changes her clothes and Garak makes a call. Dukat finds out that when the Pah-wraiths say "for the Kai's eyes only", they mean it. And the only cure for someone's fever (not the sexy kind) isn't more cowbell, and Bashir and O'Brien have to go to the last people (ostensibly) on their side who they want to see to get it. (Series Finale - Part 5 of 9) [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Dec 12, 2016 - 15 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Strange Bedfellows  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 19

(Series Finale - Part 3 of 9) Unfortunately, despite the title, not a bedroom farce (with the deliberate exception of The Power Couple Who Shall Not Be Named), but still plenty to chew on: Martok reveals to Sisko that the real war has just begun, a prisoner is a pain in the neck for Weyoun, Quark pours one out for a homie, Damar considers the man in the mirror (prior to asking him to change his ways), Winn does a heel/even-worse-heel turn, and Worf and Ezri? They're just hangin' out. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Dec 5, 2016 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Penumbra  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 17

(Series Finale - Part 1 of 9) Sisko puts a ring on it, Worf gets a chance to practice his singing, Dax takes a trip down Memory Lane, the Founder gives Weyoun a piece of her mind, a familiar face gets a different look, a new player enters the game, and Kasidy Yates' future mother-in-law has some bad news. It's the beginning of the end. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Nov 28, 2016 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Covenant  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 9

HELP WANTED: Growing Pah-wraith cult looking for a dynamic, charismatic leader to lead it into communion with the Pah-wraiths in the Celestial Temple. Belief in the ultimate triumph of the Pah-wraiths over the Prophets necessary, actual experience being possessed by a Pah-wraith preferred. Flexible morals OK. Please note: we are an equal opportunity employer, so it is not necessary for you to be a Bajoran. Please direct inquiries and resumes to: provisional government, Empok Nor. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Oct 31, 2016 - 4 comments

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