4 posts tagged with daredevil and avengers.
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Book: All Of The Marvels
"Mutants! Monsters! Monarchs! Mystery! A Journey to the Ends of the Biggest Story Ever Told!"
Douglas Wold read the entire Marvel catalog (that's over 27,000 comic books) and summarizes his findings. [more inside]
New Club: Marvel Cinematic Universe
If you enjoy any of the movies or TV shows set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, please join us in our new Fanfare Club!
Which MCU movies and shows are most worth watching?
With 200+ hours of footage in the MCU, not everyone has time to be a completist. Given that the MCU contains both hits (Black Panther, Jessica Jones) and stinkers (Incredible Hulk, Inhumans), which do you consider to be must-see vs. not worth it?
Whole-universe discussion vs. individual movie/episode posts?
The Marvel Cinematic Universe presents challenges to FanFare's default spoiler scope in that the MCU now comprises 18 feature films, 10 TV shows, and a variety of one-shots, web series, and tie-in books/comics, with more to come. [more inside]