4 posts tagged with garibaldi and marcus.
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Babylon 5: Racing Mars Season 4, Ep 10
Franklin and Marcus arrive on Mars. Garibaldi and Sheridan have a confrontation. "There isn't much chance of me winning this argument, is there?" "None whatsoever; I never give up when I'm right. Your only option is to surrender." [more inside]
Babylon 5: The Summoning Season 4, Ep 3
Ivanova seeks out more First Ones to act as allies for the war. Zach Allen takes action. Delenn is opposed by members of the League. "I was. I'm better now." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Grey 17 is Missing Season 3, Ep 19
We return to Spoopy Sector for Spoopy Times. Ivanova and Zach Allen seek rogue telepaths for hire. Delenn is to become Ranger One, but someone wants to prevent it... "I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a simple proposition and turn it inside out so that it says what you want it to say rather than what it actually says. Does this come naturally or did you attend some sort of…martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" [more inside]
Babylon 5: Ceremonies of Light and Dark Season 3, Ep 11
Given the massive changes on B5, Delenn attempts to repeat the ceremony seen in "The Parliament of Dreams" to help people transition. Garibaldi attempts to purge B5 of hidden Nightwatch agents. Londo moves against Refa, taking inspiration from the Old Empire. "From the stars we came... To the stars we return, from now until the end of time. We therefore commit these bodies to the deep." [more inside]