2 posts tagged with impeachment by JHarris.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Future Pandemics  Season 8, Ep 1

This week, still from the void, but hopefully not for much longer.... The farce of an impeachment trial against Donald Trump, where Ted Cruz met with the defense lawyers during it and told them they'd already won because Republicans weren't going to convict regardless, and on Republican support of the Capitol riots and state Republican efforts to make voting much harder, efforts that some Democrats don't seem very excited about thwarting. And Now: Newscasters Offer Tips For How To Say "I Love You" In The Worst Imaginable Way. Main story (20m): Pandemics of the future! Not COVID, but the next ones, which believe it or not could be much worse. John discusses where they may come from, why they're on the rise, and what we can do to limit them. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Feb 18, 2021 - 4 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Impeachment  Season 6, Ep 15

Episode 6-15 was about the U.S. process of presidential impeachment, the means provided by its Constitution to remove a sitting President from office. But impeachment itself doesn't imply the process will be successful--Clinton was infamously impeached. To this day the process has never been successfully used to unseat a president. What would it entail, and what are the pros and cons of impeaching Donald Trump? On YouTube (20m)
posted by JHarris on Jun 23, 2019 - 0 comments

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