9 posts tagged with lennier.
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Babylon 5: Moments of Transition  Season 4, Ep 14

The Minbari Civil War ends. Garibaldi and Edgars continue their relationship. Lyta makes a painful decision. "Well, there is just no delicate way to say this. [a pause] I want your body." [more inside]
posted by flibbertigibbet on Jul 7, 2019 - 3 comments

Babylon 5: Rumors, Bargains and Lies  Season 4, Ep 13

Neroon and Delenn meet to try to end the civil war breaking out on Minbar, at great cost to Lennier... Sheridan, with Londo and G'kar's support, tries to get the League of Non-Aligned Worlds to accept a White Star patrol. "Ambassador, there are so many things in the universe that are and so many things that aren't. If I were to take the time to deny all the things that aren't, we'd be here for centuries, wouldn't we?" [more inside]
posted by flibbertigibbet on Jun 29, 2019 - 2 comments

Babylon 5: Atonement  Season 4, Ep 9

Delenn goes to Minbar to discuss her relationship with Sheridan, and is tested. Franklin and Marcus go to Mars to contact the rebels there. "I cannot have an aide who will not look up. You will be forever walking into things." [more inside]
posted by flibbertigibbet on Apr 13, 2019 - 2 comments

Babylon 5: Grey 17 is Missing  Season 3, Ep 19

We return to Spoopy Sector for Spoopy Times. Ivanova and Zach Allen seek rogue telepaths for hire. Delenn is to become Ranger One, but someone wants to prevent it... "I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a simple proposition and turn it inside out so that it says what you want it to say rather than what it actually says. Does this come naturally or did you attend some sort of…martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" [more inside]
posted by flibbertigibbet on Jan 12, 2019 - 5 comments

Babylon 5: Ceremonies of Light and Dark  Season 3, Ep 11

Given the massive changes on B5, Delenn attempts to repeat the ceremony seen in "The Parliament of Dreams" to help people transition. Garibaldi attempts to purge B5 of hidden Nightwatch agents. Londo moves against Refa, taking inspiration from the Old Empire. "From the stars we came... To the stars we return, from now until the end of time. We therefore commit these bodies to the deep." [more inside]
posted by flibbertigibbet on Nov 10, 2018 - 5 comments

Babylon 5: Confessions and Lamentations  Season 2, Ep 18

A metaphor for AIDS as seen in the 1980s plague has hit the Markab on the station. "What happens? What happens is that we honor the memory of those who are no longer with us by using what we have learned to save others. To exercise faith, and patience, and charity. To reach out to those who are afraid. If we can do that, then their passing will have had meaning and we will grow from it." [more inside]
posted by flibbertigibbet on Aug 6, 2018 - 5 comments

Babylon 5: There All The Honor Lies  Season 2, Ep 14

Sheridan kills a Minbari in self-defense, but it seems as though he is being set up to lose his command... Meanwhile, Ivanova runs a gift shop, Sheridan and Kosh seek understanding, and Vir receives a message from Centauri Prime. About 'truth': "Ah, yes. The favorite song of the legally ignorant." [more inside]
posted by flibbertigibbet on Jul 15, 2018 - 3 comments

Babylon 5: Points of Departure  Season 2, Ep 1

[exposition, the episode] Goodbye Sinclair; hello Sheridan. Sheridan, previously the only Earth Force commanding officer responsible for taking down a Minbari ship during the war, has been assigned to Babylon 5 as Sinclair. A rogue Minbari warship is on the loose. Lennier reveals a secret. "I can only conclude that I'm paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate." [more inside]
posted by flibbertigibbet on Apr 8, 2018 - 7 comments

Babylon 5: The Quality of Mercy  Season 1, Ep 21

[minor arc] Dr. Franklin discovers an illegal medical establishment in Downbelow, which is stepping on the toes of his mildly-less-illegal medical establishment in Downbelow. Meanwhile, Lennier and Londo go out for drinks and a murderer is sentenced to the "death of personality." "I'm perfectly happy to inconvenience myself for your benefit. [...] Here my friend, here you will see the heart and soul of Babylon 5. Also its spleen, its kidneys--a veritable parade of internal organs." [more inside]
posted by flibbertigibbet on Mar 25, 2018 - 4 comments

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